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OpenAI Explores Making Its Own AI Chips: Sources

OpenAI is exploring the possibility of producing its own artificial intelligence chips, writes Reuters with reference to sources.

Since 2022, the company has been considering several options to solve the equipment shortage problem. Possible options include working more closely with Nvidia, finding new suppliers and creating its own chip.

According to sources, OpenAI has not yet made a final decision. Company representatives declined to comment.

The company’s decision to set up its own production will be a major strategic initiative and will require significant investment, according to industry participants. They valued it at “hundreds of millions of dollars a year.”

Experts admitted that the process of creating chips could be accelerated by the acquisition of a manufacturing company. One person familiar with OpenAI’s plans noted that Sam Altman’s firm was studying a takeover bidder, but Reuters was unable to find out its name.

In April, media reported that Microsoft was working on its own AI chips. According to journalists, this is how the corporation plans to avoid dependence on Nvidia.

Let us recall that in September, WSJ sources reported that OpenAI was negotiating with investors about the possible sale of shares and increasing the company’s valuation to $80-90 billion.

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2023-10-06 16:46:44
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