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Open the «Amuma garden», the pink corner dedicated to the victims of breast cancer

Real city



To continue with what she loved so much … because they can close their eyes to pray that those who have left will return or reopen them and see everything they have left ». With the reading of this poem the president of the Association of Breast Cancer and / or Gynecology of Castilla la Mancha (Amuma) has concluded, Sonia Merchán, the opening this week of «Jardin Amuma», a floral space which has been installed in the Gasset park in Ciudad Real as a memory for the former socialist councilor, Teresa Espinosa Moraga, and for all those people who have died from cancer.

Deeply moved, Sonia Merchán acknowledged that the Amuma Association has promoted the creation of this space “full of life, open and modern that will allow a wide variety of activities to be carried out.”

In addition, it has stressed that it should serve as a meeting place for all those people who are going through ‘pain, sacrifice, the physical and mental effort involved in suffering from this disease. And she has been grateful to the City Council of Ciudad Real for the support to “make the project a reality.”

He also assured that with the opening of this «garden» we want to recognize the work of Teresa Espinosa, who died more than two years ago and qwho remained in charge of Amuma for 20 years, in addition to having been a councilor in the City Council during two legislatures, between 2003 and 2011. “Teresa was a fighter woman, from a very young age, in defense of equal opportunities, but the disease made her lead a common cause for which both men and women fight: cancer and, in particular, breast cancer”, He said.

The «Amuma Garden» is located in the Gasset Park of Ciudad Real
The «Amuma Garden» is located in the Gasset park in Ciudad Real – ABC

The person in charge of Amuma added that this place will be a “charming space that will last over time” and that it will serve to remember that breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women. Every year 33,000 new cases of this disease are diagnosed in Spain.

The opening of this space was also attended by the relatives and granddaughters of Teresa Espinosa who, after listening to the song Thanks to life, played by Alfredo Sánchez, they recalled the figure of their grandmother, of whom they highlighted “her generosity, effort and love.”

Finally, the mayor of Ciudad Real, Eva María Masías, who has attended this event, explained that “the Amuma garden will be a corner for everyone, a pink heart that is born with strength and love” and that it will serve to continue the fight of «everyone against cancer, because with this disease there are no personalities. It is a fight for all, “concluded the councilor, who has also recognized the work done by municipal services.

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