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Open Streets Program Returns to Manhattan with Expanded Pedestrian Areas and Increased Sales for Local Businesses

The Open Streets program will return this December to Manhattan.

New York City will expand this program where it pedestrianizes several streets around Rockefeller Center and Fifth Avenue.

In 2023, 12 blocks will be closed to cars, that is, 25 percent more than the previous year.

According to authorities, the program left a 6.6 percent increase in sales in local businesses during its implementation in 2022.

This year, Fifth Avenue will be closed from 48th Street to 59th Street.

The closures will take place on Sundays, December 3, 10 and 17 from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

On the rest of the days, barriers will be placed over the traffic lanes to widen the sidewalks.

In addition, right turns will be prohibited.

In this space there will also be shows and there will be drinks and food for sale.

Streets around Rockefeller Center will also be closed.

West 49th Street and West 50th Street will be pedestrianized between Fifth and Sixth Avenues.

In this section the streets will be closed between 11:00 in the morning and midnight every day.

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The Consumer Reports organization warns about the incorrect use of Fabuloso cleaner, pointing out that many people use it as a flavoring in electric air fresheners, to wash clothes or even boil it, which can be harmful.


One of the riskiest uses that are spread on social networks like TikTok, consists of boiling Fabuloso to spread its aroma at home. Jodhaira Rodríguez, a product tester for Consumer Reports, warns that “it can cause breathing problems.”


When you add Fabuloso to your washing machine load, you can damage both the clothes and the appliance, as the product is not designed for that. And washing dishes with the cleaner is even more dangerous, because residue can remain on the dishes and you risk ingesting it.

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Another dangerous trick is to place the entire bottle in the toilet tank, with a small hole, so that it releases liquid with each flush. However, Consumer Reports notes that it can clog the toilet mechanism, causing damage and corroding the material.


And a typical, but unfortunate, failure is mixing Fabuloso with other products such as bleach. Experts say that this practice can produce and release harmful vapors, putting your respiratory health at risk.


Regarding the controversy over its improper uses, this is the message that the Fabuloso company published on its website. However, many Hispanics point out that the product has instructions in English on its label, which prevents them from reading and leads them to make dangerous mistakes.

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Fabuloso was launched in Venezuela in the 1980s, a time when, according to the company itself, cleaning products lacked fragrance and distinction. In 1983 it would arrive in Mexico, and it was not until 1996 when it began to be marketed in the United States.

2023-11-07 14:32:00
#Avenue #Rockefeller #Center #York #pedestrian #spaces #Christmas #season

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