“Open Science” is a broad notion that covers practices, principles and strategies related to the accessibility of results produced by scientific communities, both nationally and internationally. The vocation of Open Science is to make the knowledge resulting from scientific studies as accessible as possible, even beyond traditional academic circles.
At Jean Monnet University, Christelle Bahier-Porte, Vice-President Research has set up a working group responsible for writing the roadmap that will coordinate the Open Science actions of the different components of the University, and Filippo AE Nuccio Mortarino Majno di Capriglio, teacher-researcher in Mathematics at the IUT of Saint-Étienne and at the Camille Jordan Institute, has been appointed Open Science referent.
These actions are carried out within the framework of the national policy initiated by the law for a digital republic and formalized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research through two successive national plans. To present these initiatives to the university community, an Open Science Day is organized on March 29, 2023.
Open Science: the UJM roadmap
The work of the referent and the working group resulted in the drafting of a roadmap which is presented in 3 parts :
- Political commitments
- Formation et information
- Accompaniement
Each component is declined according to 3 axes:
- Opening of research publications
- Open research data
- Changing research practices
The Open Science referent
The Open Science referent at the UJM is Filippo AE Nuccio Mortarino Majno di Capriglio. His role is to coordinate the UJM’s Open Science policy and to help UJM research actors to become familiar with the challenges and opportunities offered by Open Science. It offers researchers, teacher-researchers, doctoral students, documentarians and students adequate tools To answer to the practical, legal, economic and political issues they may ask about these issues.
He is accompanied by a correspondent at the level of the Common Documentation ServiceFrançois Couronné, in charge of information for UJM members.
Some resources about Open Science: