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Open New-Jiw Life from Friendship Children Singing Contest In this industry, do not be weak.

We continued asking about the day they decided to compete on the stage of The Star. Thanfah took the first year star, which is the stage of a national singing competition. New said that at the time he did not expect to come to compete. But find more friends to go through together

“At the Star Contest We didn’t think we’d come to compete. But find a friend to go together Even the brothers Representing the North who go together, it feels that we represent the North to meet other gangs Anyone go in Ask Chiang Mai to stick as a representative

Actually, when he said he didn’t go at the mini contest. Because he felt that the number 1 was an artist Which he felt that he was not a waste of time, but New was a person who liked to try Will think differently But in the end, I persuaded him to say, “Come on. New P’M and the musicians at the store. Opportunities don’t come in often. “

Jiew revealed the reason why he didn’t want to go to the contest. It was because I couldn’t look at my own picture, how to be an artist and released an album.

“At that moment, being young, we didn’t 100% understand, just thought we weren’t going to be better. We cannot see ourselves as an artist. I love singing But I can’t figure out who will like me. Want to buy my album It was too young to understand “

Although in the end they are not both the stars But also released a music album Jiw said that he was glad that the adults saw it and gave him a chance. “We didn’t get No. 1. It was never possible that we would actually have a chance to do an album. That moment, it was just a moment. There was a concert by The Star. We really think just that.

Until one day, the elder who Exact said that there are adults interested, Pedi (Nitipong Munnak) wants you to make a double album together, we are happy that he can see us. ”New added,“ The duo is not. Difficult for us Because we are already together The better, the better. “

Not giving up despite obstacles

Then, the first album in the life of New and Jiew, NJ Together, came out to the fans. “The people of the tears” that became the most talked about at that time. But not many people know of both Which New tells you that

“At that time, the song came, but we didn’t come (laughs). He couldn’t remember our face. I haven’t released a lot of media, ”Jiew added,“ It’s the song itself. But the identity of the person still does not know how much Asked if I knew or knew. But if compared to the second album, people would be more in the character of the two people, ”added New,“ that is, he might remember us. But at that time we were still in our early twenties, not having any news. “

But after the first album They both disappeared from the release of their solo album for 4 years. Jiw described life during that period. “At that time, he returned to finish school. During that time there was a special project And working regularly During that time, each person had different things to do in different places. To experience

Asked if you were worried that the 2nd album didn’t do it once. Fortunately, we didn’t think too much. At that moment there will be work, singing, and many things that we enjoy. Enjoy the strange work that we have done, ”New added.“ We don’t just sit and wait. It was fun to work with. It was so forgotten. Oh … 4 years have passed? Hold it. (Laughs) In the end, the results of our endurance and training work really well. ”

Finally, the second album Next Step in 2011 was a huge success. Jiw said that it was as good as the two did not give up. Not giving up on something simple “Jiew, it is clear in the angle of waiting and what really gets Is the mood of intolerance Do not give up on what we feel the opportunity has or not. Is there a light at the destination? We don’t know, but still want to. I never thought I would call home and tell me I wanted to go home. We feel that we are OK with work. “

Not afraid even after the drama

Another evident development of New-Jiw, apart from the sound of crying, is seen to be the beauty of the couple, making the two girls quite delighted. When asked what made him adjust his look, Tiny said

“Jiw doesn’t think that we are beautiful. We will have good feedback. We don’t think like that. But it is our job It is development What makes people see it, hey, come to this look, it’s more of a mood. “

New added, “The important person is the team behind the whole team, the music, the clothes, my face. He said the song came out like this, it was delicious, it was definitely hit, and the next team is the clothing team in front of me who will continue with homework. Which is consistent Let’s make it clearer, more memorable, ”Jiw continued,“ I call it a good team. And like the age it crossed into another group Felt that it grew with age More feminine Unlike the first album that looked young Very innocent Just standing there to shoot the album cover, still confused about how to set the extension. I still don’t understand. “

When someone likes it, there are people who do not like it. It is normal, which both girls do not take into account the Bully’s words about surgery. By Jiew described how to deal in his own way that

“Jiew said Jiw can read and listen to all more Perhaps our thoughts are not the same. Jiw didn’t read the negative and felt that hmm not like me.

These are more dependent on understanding. It doesn’t have any effect on us. He doesn’t feel okay with us. We are just us Because it will change him to like us By the way, many things are not that easy. And we don’t have any negative energy that makes him feel bad again.

Ask if there are any regrets or not. No, because we feel that we meet a variety of people, hundreds of people may talk to us different stories. So we listened and let it pass Did not take it as a quintessential sadness “

New added, “In this industry, it must not be weak. Do not lean on the feelings of others that bring down us. We feel that the era is not yet dare to speak and dare to do this. People already have gossip. But nowadays, it has real dares with pit accounts (laughs).

If you dare to speak, we have to listen In the end, will we take away our feelings to make ourselves depressed? But I will tell you that the Delete button is easy to press. “New laughed pleasantly before continuing that

“New always looks only good things. Ask if strong comments are effective or not, there are some, but we do not collect. But enough to make us feel that someone is looking at us Therefore, the next day, the next step, we must be careful not to be criticized by anyone. We have to be better than him. But glad to the fans Still convinced that what he supports is a good example. “

Say like remember, do the same

Then the 2 girls talked about working on the latest song “Talk like remember, do the same”, which Jiw expands on this song. “This song is really the 2nd single of NJ Squared’s 6th album. The first song we release is“ No Son No Care ”. It’s going to be a little new mood, but“ Talk like, remember, do the same ”will be Lecaxy. The original of who we are It’s a slow, signature melody in the song that is spoken and crushed in the senses.

Since the concept I talked to the producer about what love is that we feel is sometimes unsolvable. It is probably a concept that we haven’t talked about yet. He tried to think Then offered to say like remember, do the same

We like it, it can get a lot of emotions that are just a simple matter of promise, but do the same in the end. It is a detail that goes with everything. When it comes to making the second single, it is called complete. With dance moves There is a MV focusing on the hero and heroine who tell stories. Like having a topic before and then expand on the topic “

We ask about the familiar new jew style. Is to have a slow dance choreography and singing No … No … No makes 2 girls laugh. Before Jiw said “When no one asked why So we have to have it, that is, it has relate to us to sing New Jiew and what to play. ”

Long friendship

We asked what was the duo in the music industry and their real life, what made them such a long friendship, New said.

“It would be growth from the beginning together. Honor each other Understand that he is him and we are us It is possible to stay together. Fortunately, we have something different. If we are all the same I don’t know if I can last this long

When we are suffering We like to speak to him. It became so close from childhood until today. We live in a very natural way. Did not even exist because of work That is, if today was not a singer However, we are still friends. Not a friend for business

Then Jiew opened his heart to hear, “In fact, we have always learned each other from childhood to growing up. And today life changes every step Jiw said we found a balance. There are a lot of things that we have to balance that is okay. Because all matters are connected to each other Friends are the same. Work is done together. Personal life, we balance it well. Fundamentals have good wishes for each other “

Jiw admits that he had some touchy things, but for a long time. “It’s been a long time. Is that we grow until like if we really feel To tell each other But is not talking and will argue Is more just a concern Jiw sees that New has grown. Married have a family As a friend, we were just more supportive. ”New added,“ There was no touchy. If it’s a drama, there are many episodes. The drama has passed. We got through as well. The actors are cooking, happy, happy (laughs). If we had no arguments, tuning, or talking, no today. That talk was very good. “

New-Jiw and move on

On the day when life is perfect, both work and personal matters We asked how you view your life, New said, “I have come a long way, I never thought that I would come to Bangkok. I never thought that I would be this far from my parents. Never thought of being together, having a house, having a car, wearing beautiful clothes, and brand-name bags Everything comes from our hard work. It is born from us Not only new or tiny. “

Jiew said he was proud to be in the music industry for a long time. And work with happiness “As I said, the pictures I made for albums We really don’t have that picture. But when I came here and counted, I am very happy. Here we have been in the industry for over 10 years.

We are driven by happy work. And has done what he has done since childhood Until today, we still receive the response of the fans. I feel that this is the profit we have reaped, ”New continues.“ New goes back to Chiang Mai and meets with brothers who are musicians, Sahee brothers. I never thought I would know a celebrity. But we also felt that we were still the same. “

New reveals his life steps for the next day that he still wants to sing the same song. Like a world-class artist who is getting older But still continues to work on music

“New still sees a picture ahead of us that we’re still a duo. Because we still hold on to the word singer duo There is still no one to replace. We continue to develop ourselves. Whether today or 10-20 years if we are still popular. It will continue to continue. Like Madonna, it has been done since childhood. Now he can still sing. If there are still people who love us and have a chance to make music. “

Jiew added, “I want it. Can live, want to stay. Senior singers in Thailand who are still singers are still present. P ‘Mai Charoenpura P’Am Saowaluk P’Tina, everyone can still be here. If we can do it, we want to do it. As long as someone is listening, there will still be us. But understand that the popularity may change according to the era But asked if you were here or not (laughs) “

New continues, “like the COVID period. New thought that if not a singer To live a normal life What should we do? (Laughs)

Today New restaurant opens in Chiang Mai. It was a change from a singer to a business owner. Jiw doesn’t own it. But like being the owner He will know everything. If you do something one day, it should not be difficult. Because they keep sharing their experiences. ”Then Jiw said “I haven’t designed Plan A or B yet, but I think that if we get to that point, we’ll have to think for ourselves. I’ll say it together. “

Author: Penguin Fly
Image: no less unique

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