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open microphone and curses. What happened?

GF Vip 6, media earthquake: the authors left the microphone open and a blasphemy was heard. What is it about? The details.

The authors forget the open microphones and blasphemies are heard – readquotidiano.it

Monitored 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, the Vipponi of the Celebrities version of Big Brother are frequently the subject of discussion by the people of the web. What happens inside the House is really on everyone’s lips.

In exactly these hours, social media is exploding because so many viewers they could hear a blasphemy due to some open microphones. But who has cursed? What is it about? Let’s find out together!

GF VIP 6: the direction leaves the microphones on, earthquake!

Alfonso Signorini’s program never ceases to surprise his most ardent admirers: the competitors, in fact, always give a lot to talk to users of social networks that do not miss anything.

Just in these moments, the people of the web listened to a blasphemy that left everyone speechless. But by whom was it pronounced and why? Let’s find out all the details of the shocking incident.

GF Vip 6 direction
Big Brother VIP – BedQuotidiano.it

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Big Brother VIP 6 blasphemy

From what we learn, a real media storm is underway for the blasphemy that was said live on television inside the most spied on house in Italy. In this regard, the users of the main social networks have begun to spread the video of the incident.

An event that certainly left everyone speechless. But what exactly happened? From the clip, it is clear that in the morning, the Vipponis were abruptly awakened by the direction of the reality show, of which one member issued a heavy blasphemy.

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That’s right, this time it’s not the competitors’ fault, but of an insider who it has left spectators and participants in the game amazed to say the least. Will anything be said about it in tonight’s episode, Friday 10 December 2021? We will find out only by living!

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