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Open horoscope for 4 zodiac signs, lately not working | Daily News

Forecast November 22-28, 2022

Capricorn (January 16 – February 12)

Hearing gossip makes me uncomfortable “Paper, Prince of the Sword” Late work, frequent mistakes, colleagues rarely cooperate with work, so walk slowly and want to change jobs Finance, people who used to borrow will return or give benefits in return. money flow attached to the heart There is always something to distract. But there was some luck. The love has been mutual since the beginning. Different people have pride. I rarely get confused. But if you’re single, there’s bound to be Cupid coming to shoot your arrow.

Aquarius (February 13 – March 13)

Destiny must always travel don’t believe anyone believe only yourself Job suitable to be done outside traveling to meet people In the end, be careful with your words. can cause conflicts with adults Definitely not good for you. “Queen of the Moon Card” Finance is something that requires a lot of savings to move around and spend. You have to plan well. Eventually it will crash. Love affairs often come quickly, but are flashier. If you are a woman, you need to think a little more.

Pisces (March 14 – April 12)

put up with the hustle and bustle Lots of responsibility Work, don’t expect too much. hard work uncomfortable environment If you want to say what you want to do, your mouth is watering. thinking about changing jobs I have to say it’s hard. If stubborn, it’s like running away from a crocodile. “8 Coin Card” The finances of getting every baht must be exhausting. But when you pay, it’s so easy. No luck this time must be embarrassed by refusing to borrow from others love is enough I really can’t expect

Aries (April 13-May 13)

start wanting to rest. Work has people to help and support. But don’t forget about humility. The negotiations will go well. At the end of the day, there might be boxers with co-workers or bosses, trying to suppress emotions. “Card 6 Coins” Finance always has a solution, there are good offers and new channels. If you work with someone, you have to think about it a bit. Love is always drunk. good bad Above all, you also need to adjust your mood. Too sleepy is not nice.

Taurus (May 14-June 13)

Headache, body heat, easy discomfort, including accident prone criteria, don’t underestimate work is not good, often make mistakes, always blamed, bored, want to change jobs But haven’t had the opportunity yet, have to wait , during this time I have to somehow improve my behavior. because there are competitors people watching “Two Coin Card” very high financial turnover having a lot of expenses even if someone helps But the behavior was also difficult to survive. love not to speak There is a criterion that is easily broken. What do you say to be careful?

Gemini (June 14-July 14)

Pay attention to your emotions. will accidentally explode have conflict easily work hard enough to survive But with adults you have to be humble. Otherwise it could be a big problem. The negotiations seem unsuccessful. It’s better to say less right now. Traveling is often frustrating. Financing is still available. but there were people who came to persecute little tidbit and I have to pay for nonsense “Card 3 Swords” Love has many arguments. Little things make big things.

Cancer (July 15 – August 16)

During this time, if you make a decisive decision, there will be good results. “Card Queen Scepter” The work is so smooth that I don’t know where to get good medicine. At first the idea was very exciting. The commander even praised in his mouth. But at the end of the day, you have to be careful. Don’t be careless, there are mistakes, you too can be blamed. Financial luck is on your side. In the beginning, additional income came. But in the end you have to be careful, there are things that cost. strong love charm There were people gathering in front and behind. but it shouldn’t be complacent At the end of the day, there was a constant quarrel.

Leo (August 17 – September 16)

feeling insecure embarrassed Work requires patience The atmosphere at work is not calm, bored, bored, want to change jobs. Trying to stay modest is best. not comfortable with finances Asking for help, there are only deviant people. You have to help yourself first. There are also people who come to pick up and borrow. “4 Card Cups” Love wants to cry out loud because it’s uncomfortable, there are always nitpicking problems. Singles do not have to ask for information. No page has appeared yet.

Virgo (September 17 – October 16)

It’s a confusing time. almost every story Job has the opportunity to start a new job. progressive brain work that requires creativity Get a job that adults are sure to like. Everything else is fine, but financial matters always seem to have to be paid for. I don’t keep it often In the late period there is a criterion to eat for free and have a fortune. “7 Cups of Cards” love is comfortable having the option to be sweet Secretly loving, secretly loving someone who has a tendency to be accomplished have faith in yourself Stand up and do it beautifully, do it handsomely, you won’t be disappointed.

Libra (October 17 – November 16)

Invest in your efforts and you will be successful. more stressful work There is always competition You yourself must be active. Which still floats, floats, you have to be careful. Easy to make mistakes If you’re looking for a new job, you’ll need family or close friends to help you succeed. “Card 6 Swords” Lots of wasted finances. When someone asked for help, it was hard to refuse. Love must be very generous. People who love him love you. As for singles, close people need to be recommended.

Scorpio (Nov. 17 – Dec. 15)

Relax, lover, behave yourself, be nice. “The Card of the World clear job There are small jobs on the way to earn more. Speaking well is half the battle won. At first I wanted to be able to do anything. definitely a good result. Finance comes a lot, pays a lot. It’s a special ability that still maintains a good balance. Late has a fortune But most of them are more about eating and traveling. joyful love People who love to cuddle have new and exciting experiences. Singles are out of their worries. There are definitely people to choose from.

Sagittarius (December 16 – January 15)

What are you waiting for?Answers will get good news. “Judgment Card” work smoothly There is already progress. There may be an opportunity to change jobs. or relocating Jobs that require travel will be satisfying for supervisors. Right now, talking to anyone, there are only loving people. talk nice and be sri with yourself Cash flow, liquidity and extra money And a way to earn extra income all the time, also have a fortune Fresh love Single people can feel comfortable, there will be people who will come in to confess the their love.

Katha Chinbanchorn teacher

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