Home » today » Business » Open Fiber: “Third party tender works”. And on fiber in real estate: “Costs to be borne by us”

Open Fiber: “Third party tender works”. And on fiber in real estate: “Costs to be borne by us”

With reference to the interview given by the Honorable Bruno Bossio to Corcom, Open Fiber intends to rectify some information devoid of any foundation”: Thus begins the long letter to the director Mila Fiordalisi in which the company led by Elisabetta Ripa points out its position in particular in reference the works relating to the third Infratel call and to question of laying the fiber up to the buildings.

“The Honorable Bruno Bossio maintains that the works relating to the third Infratel call have not even started. THEThe third call, relating to the regions of Calabria, Puglia and Sardinia, was assigned in April 2019 and the works have started to follow, the first sites have already been opened. As is obvious, in the municipalities affected by the third call as well as in all Infratel areas, the scope of coverage of Open Fiber is established by the concessionaire ”, the company points out.

Regarding the issue of Open Fiber’s FTTH network, which according to Bruno Bossio “does not reach directly into homes and buildings”, the company specifies that “net of a residual portion of homes – the so-called ‘scattered houses’ – wired in Fwa (Fixed Wireless Access), the network created by Open Fiber is entirely in FTTH optical fiber. According to the Honorable Bruno Bossio, “the Open Fiber network certainly cuts down the distances of the last mile but the operators are in any case forced to switch on the network by building the remaining, albeit minimal, portion of the infrastructure. With an increase in costs and with possible repercussions on consumer bills ”. “This is not the case, ”says Open Fiber: “According to the Infratel concession, the maximum distance from the house at which the FTTH line can be located is 40 meters. The average distance of OF is today about 17 meters and the fiber is brought inside the building within the times indicated by the Concession when the customer activates the service. The choice was adopted in the Concessions assigned by Infratel to allow an efficient and rational use of public resources. Reaching about 10 million properties that in many cases may never require a connection (uninhabited, second homes) would have resulted in a waste of funds without any benefit for the end customer. In the white areas there are in fact many more properties than telephone lines and those who request activation are connected to Fiber To The Home quickly and similarly to the rest of the country. Moreover, the works to bring the fiber inside the building are the responsibility of Open Fiber and are therefore not public resources, because they are costs not covered by the call”.

The company led by Ripa is not even there on the front of the “question” of the territories: “The Honorable Bruno Bossio declares that” Open Fiber does not have a knowledge of the territories and experience in the field like that of Tim and of operators who have been on the market for years, and this has repercussions on the roadmap given the difficulties also in the management of permits “.

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“Indeed – underlines Open Fiber – thousands of permits from dozens of organizations are required to implement an extraordinary project such as the Ultra Broadband Plan: Regions, Municipalities, Superintendencies, Reclamation Consortia, Metropolitan Areas, Anas, RFI and so on. The issue of administrative simplification does not only concern Open Fiber, but is carried out by all operators both individually and within Asstel. For this the Government, which is aware of the operational difficulties the whole sector is forced to face, has already taken steps to simplify bureaucratic practices and allow further acceleration of plan deployment. As for knowledge and experience, Open Fiber, just 3 years after its foundation, is currently the third operator in Europe for FTTH lines, with 9 million wired real estate units, behind Telefonica and Orange and the first ever among wholesale only operators, the model chosen by Open Fiber which has met with the favor of all Italian operators except Tim. In fact, over 100 operators have chosen to forge a partnership with OF, which guarantees them a competitive advantage by providing a cutting-edge and non-discriminatory FTTH network, since OF does not compete with them in the retail segment. Numbers that unequivocally demonstrate how the company is a leader not only in Italy, but also in Europe, in the construction and management of networks entirely in Ftth optical fiber, without copper sections, which – on the contrary – is now universally recognized as an obsolete technology. Not surprisingly, the European Union has established its connectivity goals by 2025 for the creation of a Gigabit society and FTTH is currently the only technology capable of reaching a connection speed of 1 Gigabit per second “.


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