About a thousand people have participated in the two editions of the Open Doors Saturday organized by the University of La Rioja, on March 25 and today, May 6, in order to show its facilities and present its academic offer for the 2023- 2024.
As reported by the UR, the participants, pre-university students and families, from La Rioja and neighboring provinces, have personally met the La Rioja campus, have received a welcome from the Vice Chancellor for Students and University Extension, Maria Ángeles Calvo, as well as as heads of the different centers of the University of La Rioja.
These Open Doors Saturdays are one of the main milestones of the information and guidance campaign on the offer of undergraduate studies at the University of La Rioja for the 2023-2024 academic year.
The orientation program of the University of La Rioja has included face-to-face talks in institutes, both in La Rioja, lava and Navarra, information sessions for families, presentations of the campus centers and guided tours.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, the University of La Rioja has an academic offer made up of two double degrees and twenty degrees, with 45 specializations and FP-University programs that allow students in higher cycles of Vocational Training to obtain university degrees related to those in three academic courses.
The offer of the University of La Rioja is completed with postgraduate studies: fourteen official master’s degrees and thirteen doctoral programs.
The novelty is the new Degree in Computational Linguistics and Language Technology launched within the training program of the Campus Valle de la Lengua (and pending verification by ANECA); as well as the Guide to Decide program.
Orientar para Decidir is an accessible computer tool since it allows Secondary Education students to know what their ideal study options are within the Degree offer of the University of La Rioja.
To learn more about the campus and its different degrees, the website www.unirioja.es/grados offers specific pages, videos on each study and a 360 degree virtual tour of the different facilities.
Likewise, it offers information on in-company internship programs, available to one hundred percent of the students, and stay abroad programs, which include more than one hundred campuses on five continents.
The University of La Rioja leads the latest employability ranking carried out by the IVIE as the first Spanish public university in employability (U-Ranking 2020:
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