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Open Arms, Salvini risks the trial. Today the Senate decision

“Salvini did not act out of public interest”. It is the motivation with which the leader of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi announces, in the Senate chamber, the vote of his party in favor of the authorization to proceed for the trial Open Arms, the NGO ship blocked at sea for 19 days in August 2019, when he was Interior Minister. The Renzians thus dissolve the reservation on their voting intentions and, denying some indiscretions that painted them oriented towards the no, put the League leader in serious danger of being tried. “We must answer the question not whether Salvini committed crimes or not, or if he was accompanied by other members of the government. The judiciary answers this. But if there was public interest. And for me there is no public interest in keep a boat off the coast, “says Renzi. That immediately attracts the strengths of Forza Italia, with the senator Licia Ronzulli who reproaches him: “His guarantee is one-way alternating”.

Salvini counterattacks: “If I go to trial, I will go there with my head held high – he writes on Twitter immediately after Renzi’s intervention – If they think they intimidate the League with a political trial” Palamara “they are very wrong. When I return to the government I will do exactly the same things. “

And he is ready to leave for Papeete, where he returns after the controversy of last summer, whatever the pronouncement of the classroom of Palazzo Madama.

As said, from the last clear statements, Italia Viva seemed oriented to vote no to the trial. “From the papers we have seen and deepened that there is an objective responsibility, in our opinion, of the entire government” he said early in the morning to Agorà Estate on Rai Tre the group leader in the Senate of Renziani Davide Pharaoh. A statement, however, then overcome by the facts.


In addition to the judicial future of the Northern League leader, the political one is at stake: the yes to the trial by the Senate and a possible sentence could weaken it even more and pave the way for his succession.


The chronicle of the classroom

At the beginning of the session the senator from Forza Italia Maurizio Gasparri recalls the outcome of the vote of the Junta chaired by him, motivated by the belief that closing the ports on the Open Arms ship was a government decision: “The proposal not to authorize the process was approved by a majority by the Junta. Salvini, in the Open Arms affair, acted in concert with the ministers of Defense and Transport, with a joint government act “.

Emma Bonino, senator of + Europa, speaks on behalf of the Mixed group declaring the vote in favor of the trial: “Salvini will be able to defend himself in court”. The senator del Misto, the former M5s, is also on the same line Gregorio De Falco: “There is no possibility of finding the co-responsibility of the prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, who made a moral suasion against Salvini and wrote him a letter inviting him to stop the crime that was being committed by preventing the disembarkation of minors. He said to Salvini: land at least those. “

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