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ONP refund | Walter Martos: If Congress passes the law, we will file a constitutional lawsuit | VIDEO | Politics

Walter Martos, head of the Council of Ministers, referred to the opinion approved in the Commission for the Defense of the Consumer of the Congress of the republic for the 100% refund of contributions to ONP.

Indeed, for Martos This rule would be “unconstitutional” so that, if approved in the plenary session of Parliament, he government would present “a constitutional claim” in order to avoid “a financial imbalance.”

Martos: ONP contribution refund law is unconstitutional

“If this (law of ONP) means a financial imbalance we cannot accept something that corresponds and always thinking about the country. This norm is unconstitutional in itself, that if it is presented we will make a constitutional demand. Again we will not have the slightest doubt that we would win in this regard, “he declared last Sunday on channel N.

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At first, the Prime Minister He assured that the State must “have a responsible management of the economy”, since it is also important to see “what is convenient for the country” to carry out the transfer of the Government in 2021.

“The Minister of Economy and Finance (Marie Antoinette Alva) has a very serious and responsible handling of this issue. We will not accept any type of decision that may be populist or that could put into question the financial balance in the country, ”he said.

In that same line, Martos Ruíz considered that before taking any action, the alternatives that the client has will first be “discussed and presented” Executive to safeguards the economic crisis. “We will try to reach an agreement (with the Congress of the republic) on these issues, “he said.

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Finally, the head of the PCM said he will talk with the minister Marie Antoinette Alva “To find meeting points and consensus” with the Legislative so that every rule that affects the economy “can be improved to finally make a decision.”

“I do not think it is about making observations or constitutional demands. I believe that it’s about talking and finding meeting points and that is the way we are, “he said. Walter Martos.

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Opinion on the return of ONP that would go to the Plenary of Congress

At the end of July, Consumer Defense Commission of the Congress of the republic approved the opinion that will allow 100% refund of contributions to the ONP for those who have not made deposits in the last 12 months.

In addition, the document that will be debated and voted by the Plenary of Congress this Thursday, August 20, also determines that those active contributors withdraw up to 1 UIT, that is, up to 4,300 soles. While the retirees of the ONP of the 19990 regime they will be able to obtain an extraordinary bonus of 2,000 soles.

He MEF would be in full development of a counter proposal that will be presented to the different banks of the Congress. This would be the delivery of a bond for the contributors and retirees from ONP whose amount would depend on the time of contributions, age, as well as other conditions.

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