Home » Entertainment » Onlyfans star Marianne Kallio was hospitalized – The heart was stopped twice –

Onlyfans star Marianne Kallio was hospitalized – The heart was stopped twice –

Marianne Kallio updates her social media followers on her current condition.

Marianne Kallio tells her social media followers that she was hospitalized. PASI LIESIMAA

Onlyfans star Marianne Kallio has been hospitalized on Tuesday. This is evident from Kallio’s Instagram stories, where he says that he has been feeling very poorly recently. Instagram stories are visible 24 hours after publication.

– I have all my heart sensors and others attached. I’ve had several arrhythmias today. I have had two cardiac arrests. I have directly feared for my life, he says.

Kallio says he suffered from similar symptoms eight years ago. Marianne mentions that she may have to undergo catheter ablation again.

– Because my heart rate is 200 when I’m lying down, and there’s no way to get rid of it. I had the pump stopped and then I was put on medication to restart my heart. It didn’t help, the adult entertainment star explains.

Marianne Kallio says that her heart was stopped twice in the hospital. PASI LIESIMAA

According to the Onlyfans star, the symptoms started with severe heartburn and heart palpitations. Then the symptoms got so bad that his heart hurt and he wanted to lose consciousness.

Kallio updates his social media followers that he got home from the hospital on Wednesday. According to his own words, he received a prescription and will continue to undergo Holter examinations.

– I still feel very bad. It was said that if more comes [kohtauksia]then come back. Well, the last scene was a couple of hours ago. And now I’m home, he says.

Kallio told Iltalehte in 2019 that he was rushed to the hospital because of heart symptoms. The reason was revealed to be arrhythmias, for which he received medication after his trip to the hospital. According to Kallio, the tests also found hyperthyroidism.

Kallio has been seen in several reality TV shows, such as Big Brother, Stars of the jungle, Different mothers and Singles naked.

Marianne kallio in an interview with Iltalehi in 2020.

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