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Only two fireworks scheduled in the Troyes agglomeration for the National Day

Update : The fireworks display scheduled for Tuesday July 13 in Torvilliers is currently canceled. It could be postponed to Saturday, July 17, at 11 p.m., at the municipal stadium (date to be confirmed).

Since June 30, the relaxation of the health protocol no longer limits gatherings to ten people. However, on the eve of the National Day, rare are the municipalities of the agglomeration to resume festive activities, the traditional firefighters’ ball and the no less traditional fireworks for fear of relaunching contamination with the Covid virus. 19 and in particular the Delta variant.

In order to limit population concentrations, the festivities have simply been canceled in a large majority of municipalities, to the chagrin of a population affected by successive confinements and, more than ever, eager to share moments of popular jubilation. In the agglomeration, only two municipalities (Saint-Léger-près-Troyes and Torvilliers) have chosen to organize their fireworks.

Just fireworks

« It’s been so long that not much has happened in the town. There will be no parade with lanterns, no firefighters’ ball, no refreshment bar but fireworks this Tuesday evening around 11 p.m. For us, this is the activity that presents the least risk, because it takes place outside on the football field. People can easily distance themselves », Assures Laurent Vinson, first deputy at Torvilliers.

Organized by the Torvilliers Animations association, validated by the prefecture and supervised by the firefighters, the event usually brings together 100 to 150 people from the village on average.

For the 2021 edition, has the town prepared to welcome more people? ” We did not do much publicity, the goal is not to attract the entire population of the Trojan agglomeration. We are confident that the gendarmerie has been notified to avoid any overflow. The idea is not to refuse people but to make sure that everything goes well, that people respect the instructions (distancing, masks) », Concludes the elected official.

“People saturate, they want to meet up, go out”

In Saint-Léger-près-Troyes, if there is an activity that the inhabitants expect, it is the fireworks. ” All the festivities in the town have been canceled for a year, there has not even been a school party. People saturate, they want to meet up, go out », Underlines Mayor Christian Blasson. However, there is no question of neglecting safety. Shortly after the ceremony at the war memorial, the fireworks will be fired behind the church, on the sports stadium. But only the inhabitants of the village will be able to attend. ” The fireworks are not open to everyone, only to the people of the village who have registered in advance », Adds the city councilor. Entries will be filtered and health rules checked (masks and reminder of social distancing). About 150 people are expected.

The appointment is fixed. Let’s keep our fingers crossed so that the rain does not act as a spoiler.

July 14 elsewhere in the city

Tuesday July 13

Troyes : no fireworks, no reception at the town hall, no military parade, only a ceremony at the monument to the Martyrs of the Resistance will take place this evening at 6.30 p.m.

Wednesday July 14

La Chapelle-Saint-Luc: ceremony at 11 am, followed by a wine of honor in music at the Didier-Bienaimé space; Sports activities: 9:30 am: climbing, at the A.-Camus gymnasium; 1 p.m .: basketball tournament at the Parc des Prés-de-Lyon. From 16 years old; 2 p.m .: pétanque doublet competition at the boules pitch in the Parc des Près-de-Lyon; in the evening, illuminations of the buildings (town hall, water tower, Victor-Hugo fountain, Saint-Luc church), from Tuesday 13 to Sunday 18 July.

Sainte-Savine: Only the parade is maintained. From 11 a.m., from the corner of rue S.-Carnot – Gallieni to the forecourt of the town hall.

Saint-André-les-Vergers: garage sales in the Maugout district postponed to Saturday July 24, organized by the association Vivre à Maugout.

Lin Rivière-de-Corps: only a speech by the mayor with raising of flags.

Saint-Thibault: ceremony with graduation ceremony.

Isle-Aumont: release of balloons, games for children and aperitif.

On the other hand, many municipalities in the agglomeration have chosen to cancel all the festivities: Bréviandes, Buchères, Saint-Germain, Pont-Sainte-Marie, Saint-Parres-aux-Tertres, Saint-Julien-les -Villas, Verrières.

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