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Only prioritized sectors are authorized to circulate in Barinas

The governor of the state of Barinas, Argenis Chácez, announced that during the week of social and collective quarantine, only vehicles belonging to the priozadian sectors and with safe passage will be able to circulate.

The measure comes into effect from this Thursday, July 23, throughout the regional territory, as part of the new actions that will be implemented to ensure that the community complies with the radical quarantine, under the 7 + 7 mechanism, and this way to cut the chain of infections of the covid-19.

In the morning hours of this Wednesday, through a radial radio chain, the Barinese president indicated that the supply of fuel was also regularized only for priority areas and with the proper safe-conduct at subsidized service stations, respecting the terminal of the plate. While in international gas stations the spout and plate mechanism will be applied.

He indicated that these actions were taken after a tour he made through the control points installed by the different security agencies and a large number of people answered by circulating through the streets of the capital of Barinas.

“There are many people on the street, we ask for more awareness. This is done for the health and lives of the men and women of this state. We cannot allow that in Barinas that we have the flattened curve an expansion of the virus takes place “, expressed Chávez.

He mentioned that from 6:00 in the morning, the officials will be deployed, supervising and guaranteeing compliance with these decisions.

He stressed that the prioritized sectors will work until 2:00 in the afternoon and pharmacies until 6:00 pm, except for those with 24-hour service.

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