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Only one in four municipal directors are women

KS ‘goal that half of the country’s municipal directors should be women by 2015, is miles from realized. Only one in four in the position are women.

KS leader Gunn Marit Helgesen says that the goal of 50 percent female municipal directors is a “sleeping ambition”.
Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB

Municipal Reports A survey as of 1 March shows that only 95 of the 356 municipal directors in Norway are women. This amounts to a share of 27 per cent. It is now 17 years since the municipal sector’s organization KS set the goal that half of the positions should be filled by women by 2015. KS leader Gunn Marit Helgesen says that they have not given up on achieving the goal.

– Of course we do not have it. But it is not KS that hires municipal directors and county municipal directors. We can only raise awareness and encourage thinking about female candidates. The topic has not been discussed in KS in recent years. It is a dormant ambition, says Helgesen to Kommunal Rapport.

In 1992, the proportion of female municipal top managers was 5.7 per cent, while it rose to over 10 per cent in 2000. In the last decade, the proportion has been over 20 per cent.

– It is clear that something has happened. But it is going slowly, says general manager Gudrun Grindaker in the Norwegian Municipal Directors’ Forum.

Among the eleven county municipal directors, there is only one woman, Tine Sundtoft in Agder.

Tine Sundtoft is the only county municipal director.
Photo: Rune Øidne Reinertsen / Fædrelandsvennen

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