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Only one extra contamination in the Indian variant affected … (Borsbeek)

Borsbeek –

In Borsbeek, a round of tests among staff and residents of the Compostela residential care center revealed only one additional infection. That says mayor Dis Van Berckelaer. The residential care center experienced an outbreak of the Indian variant of COVID-19 this weekend. In total, seven people have now become infected.

One of the infected persons has died, the others still have no or very mild symptoms, according to Van Berckelaer. “Of course we hope it stays that way,” he says. “In any case, it seems that quick action has limited the outbreak. The unaffected ward can open again on Friday, in the affected ward we will organize a new test round on Monday and if it is negative it can open again on Tuesday. ”

The deceased resident was already very ill before his infection. It is therefore difficult to determine whether he died of the virus. According to the mayor, the extra contamination was found in a table companion of residents who previously tested positive. Nobody has been infected with the staff.

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