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“Only Meloni resists. Courage Matteo, out of the minutes” – Libero Quotidiano

Vittorio Feltri

April 28, 2020-

We have had the umpteenth confirmation that Giuseppe Conte is moving forward on the prohibitionist road not caring about the Constitution and drastically reducing citizens’ freedom. There is no way to bring it back on the right path and therefore it is vain to grumble. His last long, boring and inconclusive television speech, however, showed us that he intends to do his own thing, neglecting the Parliament, however happy to be overlooked, not being able to manage this rag of democracy.

The Democratic Party and the 5-star Movement adapt to the Foggia dictatorship because they suspect that otherwise the government will fall, the legislature will end and deputies and senators are forced to go home with the danger of no longer being elected. The concept is clear: it is better to make slaves to the prime minister than to lose the charge and be forced to look for a job. What occupation can individuals capable of anything and good for nothing find? In the meantime, however, Italy is going to Ramengo, the unemployed are increasing visibly, the liberal professions are in a dramatic crisis, the tiny, medium and large entrepreneurs are gasping and are likely to lower the shutters.
The situation in this circumstance is not only serious but also serious, everyone has guessed it except the lawyer of the lost cases undeservedly settled in Palazzo Chigi. Unfortunately Sergio Mattarella, a respectable person, does not dare to take the decisive step or to give Giuseppe a good welcome, perhaps he does not know what fish to take, since even the sardines are not institutionally edible, but only laughable.
He would have the right to appeal to the opposition if there was one able to clear the games.
In reality, even Matteo Salvini proceeds with three cylinders and is unable to make a move that is not false. He is fearful, uncertain, he has lost the energies that had led him to the top, turning the palaces of power upside down, which he has delivered for free to former friends and new enemies. In practice he was expelled from the field with the red card of Nicola Zingaretti to the applause of Luigi Di Maio and members without art. Continued to appear on television, however, does not affect except when it comes to saying that I am a jerk because, unwittingly, I would have offended the southerners, stating that some of them are economically, certainly not intellectually, lower than the northerners. As if it were a mystery that mafia activities excell in the South for the simple reason that the ‘Ndrangheta and similar associations are more organized and efficient than the State, which therefore cannot beat them. I understand that the head of the League is concerned with the votes of the regions from Rome downwards, while the description of the homeland reality is more important to me. We do different jobs and I don’t envy her. However, I was expecting a minimum of respect from him. Patience, in politics the suffrages weigh more than those who count them.
At this dead end I must note that the only character capable of fighting the country’s sinkers is Giorgia Meloni, who is a superior terrona to the Po valley: she fights, goes up in the polls, puts Lilli Gruber on the corner, now ready to become director of Corrierino dei piccoli, and we will laugh. In short, we rely on this talented girl in the hope that she will be able to give a wake up call to Salvini, a great leader from yesterday who we hope will be back tomorrow. He is a train and cannot have the pace of a scooter. Courage.
Get the balls out.

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