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Only in Regensburg is it cheaper than in Worms

Despite rising petrol, electricity and gas prices: The Nibelungen city of Worms takes second place in the nationwide ancillary costs ranking.

The rising gasoline prices are a burden on many households – also in Worms. The residents of Nibelungenstadt have an advantage in at least one point: The ancillary housing costs are the second lowest in the republic.
(Archive photo: Sascha Kopp)

WORMS / BERLIN – (red). Gasoline is more expensive than it has been for a long time, electricity and gas costs are rising steadily – but the Worms are getting off very lightly at least in one point and are now even a little envied nationwide. For their low living costs. This was determined by the owner protection association Haus & Grund and awarded Worms the silver medal for it: In the nationwide ranking in September, the Nibelungen-, Dom- and Lutherstadt took second place among the 100 largest cities in the republic. For this, the chairman of Haus & Grund Worms-Alzey, Hans-Joachim Lock, praised those responsible, especially those of the Worms waste disposal and construction company (ebwo).

The study by the research company IW Consult on behalf of the owners’ association Haus und Grund Zentralverband in Berlin found considerable differences where residents have to shell out a lot – and where it is cheap. In Worms, a model household pays for the mentioned ancillary costs of 936 euros, only slightly more than in the cheapest city, the Bavarian Regensburg (915 euros). In Leverkusen, on the other hand, which lands in last place, 2046 euros per year have to be paid for the same services – a difference of more than 1100 euros. On average, according to Haus & Grund, tenants are charged around 1,300 euros each year through expenses for garbage, sewage and property tax B. “Last but not least, the ranking shows how well the ebwo is doing business in the sense of the Worms”, summarizes Lock and praises its work as efficient and well structured. Haus & Grund Worms-Alzey has already given its disposal and construction operations positive mention for various reasons.

The placement is made up of three individual rankings. Overall, Rhineland-Palatinate came off relatively cheap in terms of ancillary costs. Key figures on waste charges (as of 2019), wastewater charges (as of 2020) and property tax B (as of 2021) were taken into account. An average family of four or an average single-family house was assumed. Worms came first in the wastewater ranking (the city was honored for this last year). Because this time the ranking was combined with waste costs (60th place) and property tax (20th place), Worms came in 2nd place – still ahead of Mainz (3rd place), Trier, Frankfurt and Heidelberg (6th).

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