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Only in “Maritsa”! A legend ruined our Eurovision song

The legend Mitko Shterev literally ruined the selection of a Bulgarian song for Eurovision, as well as the song itself this year. The founder of the mythical “Diana Express” spoke to “Maritsa”:

“Unfortunately, for the second year in a row, the song for Eurovision is becoming something of a deal. BNT does not want to pay the participation fee, which is high, but is looking for a businessman.

Before there was a business lady who paid the fee, ordered a song from a singer and we participated with her. Of course, nothing interesting happened.

It’s the same now. Dr. Vrabevski paid the fee in question. It turns out that he does it to enter as a composer, as he did. Ok, but Dr. Vrabevski has been in our pop music for 10 years, he has also released albums, but there is not a single hit, “said the composer, who has created countless hits.

“A composer, in order to be respected, must have at least one golden hit that every Bulgarian knows. For example, you say Toncho Rusev and” Fairs “comes out, not to mention all his hits.

For 10 years, Mr. Vrabevski has done nothing to show that he is a mediocre composer. I have nothing personal and I do not attack, I tell facts.

Television cannot allow his song to be performed at Eurovision just because he pays most of the amount. Not to mention Ronnie Romero singing. One of Richie Blackmore’s former vocalists, but only touring. He is not a great person at all, as it is written “, Mitko Shterev was angry.

“I listened to the song, very mediocre, such are the reviews on social networks. Even when it was released to the Prime Minister on BNT, they started reading the reviews. There were only negative ones and they gave up.

But the attitude of BNT towards the native composers and singers is inadmissible. Leave me, leave the adults, but there are great young colleagues like Grafa, Lubo Kirov, great young singers.

And what have we been doing for years? We gave way to a Bulgarian living in Russia, then he disappeared. We are now giving way to people who have nothing left. At least Dr. Vrabevski would have taken a young Bulgarian pop singer to give him a way.

On the flip side, the song is really mediocre, made within 7 tones. The refrain itself should be very interesting and memorable when there is a small range. Unfortunately, nothing in the song is remembered. Absolutely mediocre, amateur song “, revealed the creator of dozens of eternal BG hits.

“Dr. Vrabewski began to explain that Romero was famous in Europe. Well, how! Romero’s audience is from 55 to 70. Young people no longer know Blackmore, what is left for Romero.

These are outright lies. As they want to launch a Bulgarian band, to launch our singer. Look at the reality formats, there are exceptional native talents “, concluded Mitko Shterev.

zab. Maritza is ready to give an opinion to the affected parties

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