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Only five companies without defects

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Police, customs and public order authorities are carrying out food inspections in restaurants in Alt-Sachsenhausen on a large scale.

Frankfurt – Police, customs and food inspectors carried out checks through Alt-Sachsenhausen on Saturday night. More than 30 officers checked a total of 26 businesses – only five of them found no defects. However, the defects that were discovered were mostly unspectacular, such as missing labels for additives, blocked emergency exits, irregular slot machines and minor hygiene violations.

An unworthy exception was a shisha bar near the banks of the Main, where the conditions in the kitchen were so horrible that the bar was immediately closed. The public accepted this without much grumbling – it’s not as if there are no shisha alternatives to be found in Alt-Sachsenhausen.

Major checks on Saturday night in Alt-Sachsenhausen

The operators reacted with some grumbling. After an inspector justified criticism that the icebox was not only home to ice but also to mold and dirt, the employee in charge of the kitchen reacted coolly: “I’m a refrigeration technician.” After his counterpart made it clear to him that he was a food inspector, both agreed to close the dive and have a week to clean it.

Major inspection in the Alt-Sachsenhausen pub district. © Renate Hoyer

The reaction of the driver of a car parked in the Große Rittergasse and filled to the roof with nitrous oxide cartridges was rather amusing. “If you have an accident with that, you’ll explode,” was the friendly comment of a police officer. “We have a shop over there,” was the driver’s rather unsuccessful attempt to allay the authorities’ concerns. At least the man didn’t claim to be a refrigeration technician, which wouldn’t have made things any better.

The conditions are almost comical, and another pub in Große Rittergasse is now facing legal action for “consumer deception”. According to food inspector Manuel Klein, the operators “offered high-priced premium pilsner, but served cheaper beer”. The customers probably didn’t care, and the crowd gave the impression that they would drink horse piss for a lot of money if it got them drunk or was trending on TikTok.

“Once the last restaurant in Frankfurt to offer bear meat”

According to Steffen Gransow of the city police, the purpose of the raid, which lasted until around 4 a.m., was also to show a presence in the district. Complaints from residents have recently been increasing – especially from those who feel they have been cheated out of their night’s sleep. But it is also possible that they were already ripped off when buying or renting their apartment because no one told them that they were moving to a district that is seen by a clientele from the surrounding area as a substitute for Ballermann.

In any case, a presence was shown, also in the form of the head of the public order department, Annette Rinn (FDP), who, unlike the officers, had arrived in plain clothes and therefore remained largely unrecognized in the entertainment district. However, this has changed a lot in recent years. “This was once the last restaurant in Frankfurt that served bear meat,” said food inspector Klein almost wistfully in front of the first shisha bar he inspected. Bear meat is no longer available there today. And unfortunately, there are no CO detectors either. (Stefan Behr)

Frankfurt officials are said to have physically assaulted a man in Alt-Sachsenhausen who was already lying defenseless on the ground. The investigation lasted more than three years.

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