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Only by adding this unknown spice to our dishes will we get incredible and immediate health benefits that many ignore.

The varied and complete world of spices has accompanied man’s cuisine for centuries. Useful not only to give that extra touch to our dishes, many spices are also recognized for their healthy virtues. Some are very famous, others are not yet. Only by adding this unknown spice to our dishes will we get incredible and immediate health benefits that many ignore. We are talking about cardamom, of Asian origin like many others, very widespread in India, little in Europe.

Widely used in the poorest states

Cardamom has been used for centuries in some of the poorest states in the world: India, Cambodia and Vietnam. Easily available in these areas and at low prices, the inhabitants use it both in the kitchen and as a natural drug. Together with the best known turmeric and ginger. Two ancient and noble populations such as Babylonians and Egyptians, used it as a perfumer, combined with incense. Otherwise, the Romans used it as a digestive at the end of the famous banquets.

It is an expensive spice

The fact that it is not so successful with us is perhaps linked to the fact that it costs more than other spices. Yet, just by adding this unknown plant spice, will we get incredible and immediate health benefits that many ignore.

As we anticipated, a sprinkle of cardamom on the dishes will help digestion. Its flavor is also pleasant and resembles pepper.

Thanks to the presence of vitamin B it is an excellent natural analgesic in case of toothache and gums. Without resorting to medicines.

Only by adding this unknown spice to our dishes will we get incredible and immediate health benefits that many ignore. In fact if we suffer from gastric reflux, this is the perfect natural ingredient. Directly on tasty and potentially heavy dishes, or, taken at the end of a meal as an infusion.

Great for those who work a lot of head

Cardamom also has a very important quality for those who work long hours in front of the computer. In fact, it stimulates all brain functions, improving learning, memory and the ability to concentrate.

But, if we are used to working in the public and have bad breath problems, we do not resort to American gum and candy. Because, chewing on a few seeds of cardamom will make our breath ad proof.


Perfuming the home is no longer a miracle with this fantastic aromatic plant that will allow us to save a lot of money on air fresheners

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