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Only 67 percent of adults vaccinated

By this Sunday, 70 percent of all adults in the USA should have received their first Covid vaccination. But Joe Biden’s plan was narrowly missed.

the essentials in brief

  • By today’s US National Day, 70 percent of adults should be vaccinated.
  • However, Joe Biden’s vaccination goal was missed by three percent.
  • Only 173 million adults received the first corona vaccination.

Despite numerous incentives and a large supply of vaccines, the US has missed a vaccination target set by President Joe Biden. The government wanted 70 percent of all adults to receive at least one dose of vaccine by July 4th national holiday.

So far, however, only 67 percent, or 173 million people, have had at least the first vaccination. This was shown by data from the CDC health authority on Sunday morning (local time). A good 58 percent of all adults are already fully vaccinated.

The White House had already admitted at the end of June that the vaccination target could not be achieved on US Independence Day.

Corona coordinator remains confident

The government’s corona coordinator, Jeff Zients, told CNN on Sunday: He does not assume that the US has now reached a plateau from which there is little progress. “More and more people decide that they want to be vaccinated too,” said Zients confidently.

On average, around a million people are vaccinated each day. Significantly less than the more than three million people at the height of the vaccination campaign in spring.

In relation to the total population of around 330 million people, 55 percent have now received at least the first injection. In more rural states, especially in the south, the vaccination rate is significantly lower than in the rest of the country.

Delta variant ensures increasing numbers of infections

There, the number of new infections has recently increased again. Experts also attributed this to the rapid spread of the delta variant of the corona virus. On average, there are now around 13,000 new infections every day across the country.

Many states already offer incentives to encourage people to get vaccinated. For example the raffle for high cash prizes. However, surveys suggest that the progress of the vaccination campaign is likely to slow down as a minority rejects the vaccinations.

According to surveys, the minority of those who hesitate and refuse to vaccinate could make up a good 20 percent of the population. A negative attitude is widespread, especially among Republicans, the party of ex-President Donald Trump.

In the USA, the vaccines from Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna are mainly used. That of Johnson & Johnson plays a lesser role. The government has secured plenty of vaccine and has already started distributing millions of doses to other countries.

More on the subject:

Johnson & Johnson Donald Trump Coronavirus Joe Biden Pfizer Administration Data CNN

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