Entered 2024.11.15 01:35 Modified 2024.11.15 01:35 Reporter Kim In-hee ([email protected])
The number of new doctors produced next year is expected to decrease to around 300.
If the supply of medical residents is cut off, the burden on specialists will increase.
A medical school in SeoulⓒYonhap News
While a large number of medical students took a leave of absence this year due to the legislative conflict surrounding the expansion of medical schools, it was calculated that only 304 students registered for the national written exam to be held in January next year. This represents only 10% of medical students who took the exam in January of this year.
According to data received by Yonhap News and the National Assembly Education Committee member Jin Seon-mi of the Democratic Party of Korea on the 13th from the Korea National Examination Institute for Health and Medical Personnel, 304 people applied for the 89th national written examination for doctors, which closed on the 8th of last month.
The national examination for doctors is conducted once a year, and is usually conducted in the following order: a practical exam in September or October, followed by a written exam in January of the following year.
Those eligible to take the national doctor’s exam include approximately 3,000 fourth-year medical school students, those who failed the previous year’s exam, and foreign medical school graduates.
In the 88th written exam held in January this year, 3,270 people applied and 3,212 took the exam. However, less than 10% of the number of people this year expressed their intention to take the written exam in January next year, so it is expected that at most 300 new doctors will be produced next year. This means that the supply of new medical specialists will almost cease, leading to a further increase in the burden of medical treatment on specialists.
364 people applied for the 89th practical exam held from September 2nd to 24th, and the actual number of applicants was 347.
Rep. Jin Seon-mi said, “The government and the ruling party have started operating a consultative body between the ruling and opposition parties, excluding the opposition party and some medical groups, to resolve the conflict over the legislative process, but we must first examine the fallout from the actual medical education system coming to a standstill and come up with a solution that can be resolved first.” said.
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