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OnlineMediator: Helping Consumers Get Compensation for Poor Services and Products

OnlineMediator: A New Solution for Consumer Disputes

Thousands of customers complain about poor services or products every year. However, according to OnlineMediator, the number of affected individuals is actually higher than reported.

Lubomír Trejbal recently went on a vacation to the island of Mauritius with his wife and two children. However, their travel plans were disrupted when their connecting flight from Istanbul was significantly delayed by a Turkish airline. Trejbal requested compensation, believing he was entitled to it. Unfortunately, the airline did not respond to his request. “Since it was a carrier from a non-European Union country, I thought no one would help us,” Trejbal said. However, he decided to try OnlineMediator.cz, a company that specializes in resolving consumer disputes. OnlineMediator.cz successfully secured a compensation of 600 euros per person from the airline, totaling nearly 57,000 Czech koruna.

Trejbal could have also turned to the Czech Trade Inspection (ČOI), which handles consumer complaints. However, ČOI can only contact the specific seller, in this case, the airline, and request a resolution through mutual agreement. If the company fails to respond or rejects the compensation request, ČOI does not have the authority to provide further assistance, make a decision, or help in a potential legal dispute.

OnlineMediator, as a private organization, has the ability to assist in such cases. In June, the company obtained permission from the Ministry of Industry and Trade to operate. It is only the second company in the Czech Republic, alongside the Association of Czech Consumers, to engage as a private entity in consumer disputes. However, for the Association of Czech Consumers, this is only a secondary activity. For example, in 2019, they handled only eight disputes, and currently, they handle a maximum of a few dozen. All other cases are handled through the state-run ČOI.

OnlineMediator offers a new solution for consumers facing disputes with businesses. With their expertise and authorization, they can provide assistance and resolution in cases where traditional channels may fall short. This alternative option gives consumers more power and support when seeking compensation or resolution for their grievances.

As the number of consumer complaints continues to rise, the role of organizations like OnlineMediator becomes increasingly important in ensuring fair treatment and protection for consumers.
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Why is privacy and confidentiality important in the process of mediating consumer disputes, and how does OnlineMediator prioritize these aspects

Recently, Lubomír Trejbal had an unfortunate travel experience when his connecting flight was significantly delayed by a Turkish airline, causing disruptions to his vacation plans with his family in Mauritius. Frustrated by the inconvenience caused, Trejbal sought compensation, believing he was entitled to it. However, his request went unanswered by the airline.

This scenario is not uncommon, as thousands of consumers face similar problems with poor services or products every year. However, according to OnlineMediator, a platform dedicated to resolving such disputes, the number of affected individuals is likely higher than what is reported.

OnlineMediator aims to provide a new solution for consumer disputes by offering an online mediation service. By utilizing technology, the platform brings together both parties involved in a dispute and provides a neutral mediator to facilitate communication and negotiation.

The benefits of using OnlineMediator are numerous. Firstly, it eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming traditional legal procedures. Instead, individuals can access the platform from the comfort of their own homes and engage in discussions with the other party involved. This significantly reduces the financial and logistical burdens typically associated with resolving consumer disputes.

Furthermore, OnlineMediator maintains a panel of highly skilled and experienced mediators who specialize in consumer disputes. These professionals possess the necessary expertise to guide parties towards a fair and mutually beneficial resolution. With their guidance, disputing parties can reach agreements that may not have been possible without a neutral third party to mediate proceedings.

Additionally, the platform provides a secure and confidential environment for parties to discuss their issues. Privacy concerns are of utmost importance in sensitive matters such as consumer disputes, and OnlineMediator prioritizes confidentiality to ensure that both parties can openly express their concerns without fear of repercussions.

By offering a new and innovative approach to resolving consumer disputes, OnlineMediator aims to bridge the gap between dissatisfied consumers and businesses. With its ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and expertise, the platform has the potential to significantly reduce the number of unresolved consumer complaints. Ultimately, the goal is to create a fair and equitable marketplace for both consumers and businesses alike.

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