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Online service for electronic residence registration approved – Berlin.de

From the Senate meeting on August 20, 2024:

In its meeting today, the Senate of Berlin decided on the framework conditions for electronic residence registration based on a joint proposal by Governing Mayor Kai Wegner and Senator for the Interior Iris Spranger.

The further development and improvement of Berlin’s citizens’ offices are the focus of this legislative period. By providing the online service “electronic residence registration”, the state of Berlin will successfully implement a complex reuse project of an online service from Hamburg and at the same time provide great added value for Berlin’s citizens. The online service can probably be used flexibly and regardless of location at any time from mid-October. With around 500,000 applications each year, residence registration is one of the most used and prioritized administrative services in the state of Berlin. Active use of the online service will improve the appointment situation in the citizens’ offices and provide more flexibility in scheduling appointments.

The new service enables electronic registration and change of residence. The process is digital and prior appointments are no longer necessary. Both individuals and families with German and/or EU citizenship can use the service. Due to the size of the project, intensive cooperation across several authorities and federal states was necessary, as Berlin is by far the municipality with the most registration processes in Germany.

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