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Online seminars and tips on corona financial aid –

The corona lockdown is being extended and tightened. Many riding businesses and clubs are in financial need. There is state financial aid – but so that it can be used despite bureaucratic hurdles, the German Equestrian Association (FN) offers online seminars on the subject and gives tips.

Together with financial coach and tax advisor Frank Scheele, the FN offers online seminars for those responsible in associations and companies that deal with state corona financial aid such as emergency aid, bridging aid and KfW loans. Open questions are clarified and tips are given on what to consider during bureaucratic processes.

A seminar with 100 participants has already taken place. “It has been shown that many clubs have already received financial aid, but that there is still a need for action among companies and self-employed people,” said Thomas Ungruhe, Head of the Associations, Environment, Popular Sports and Companies Department, who led the seminar together with Scheele .
Frank Scheele reports that the tax authorities are currently very pro-company: “I’ve been working with tax offices for 30 years. I have never seen the tax authorities so cooperative. There is an unbelievable amount of movement in this crisis. ”He also mentioned this, pointing out that at the political level, adjustments to the funding options are made almost weekly and the information and FAQ on the pages of the federal and state finance ministries are constantly updated to include as many as possible To record those affected with the offers of help.

Due to the high demand, two more seminars with Frank Scheele are planned for February:
“FN Online Seminar Financial Aid in the Corona Pandemic”

  • February 2, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
  • February 4, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The participation fee is 20 euros, equestrian clubs and FN member companies can participate free of charge. The Federal Association of Professional Riders (BBR) pays the participation fee for its members (specify membership when registering). Registration closes on January 29th. The registration form is there here.

Under www.pferd-aktuell.de/coronavirus the FN has also created an overview of the funding programs of the respective federal states and there is a collection of information from Frank Scheele on financial aid for equestrian clubs and horse farms (under the Corona FAQ, see “Who can I contact in my financial emergency?”).


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