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Online Rentals, Consumer Advice | The Consumer Council warns against the online model for electricity customers

Electricity prices have been wild in recent years, but when electricity prices fell in many places this summer, many people became aware that Internet rental prices have also increased.

The director of the Consumer Council Inger Lise Blyverket deals with the way in which the online rent is calculated.

– The majority do not have an overview of their consumption or the time, resources and ability to change cooking, showering, washing and heating to electricity prices and rent online, says the Main Group to Nettavisen.

Until next year, the Regulatory Authority for Energy – NVE consider the online model introduced in 2022.

– We strongly warn that it will be even more expensive without change.

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Dead end

The net rent is now divided into three. A capacity connection that is calculated according to the three hours you used the most electricity. This means that if, for example, you charge the car when the price of electricity is low, you will be at a more expensive capacity level if you are boiling potatoes at the same time.

The net rent also has an energy component, which is a price for each kWh you use. On top of that comes Enova tax, electricity tax and value added tax on everything.

The purpose of the model is to reduce the so-called power peaks, hours with high consumption.

– Designing for more user flexibility is dead.

Blyverket believes that if people get the opportunity to save electricity, it will help to reduce the so-called power peaks.

– Enøk frees up energy in a way that affects the power balance in a positive direction, reduces consumption peaks and reduces the need for a new network, Blyverket told the energy industry website Montel News.

– We should have a more aggressive policy and more instruments for energy efficiency.

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POWER PLAY: When you use several household appliances at the same time, you pay for the kilowatt hours you use and for using them at the same time. It is difficult for consumers to keep track of this, the Consumer Council believes.
Photo: Anna Jakobsen (Nettavisen)

Thanks for the nextssursterke

Today, people can apply to Enova for support for energy savings. Some cities also support, for example, heat pumps.

But Enova only supports new technology. The goal is to build a market for the new technologies and then eliminate the support. An example is support for solar panels, where the support is now reduced after a few years.

The power saving technologies that you can support are also quite expensive. For example, you can get support to install a geothermal heat pump, which costs several hundred thousand kroner. Enova’s support for this is NOK 10,000.

– Today, consumers with their own house and who have good knowledge and are able to make large investments are favorable, says the Main Group to Nettavisen.

Blyverket believes that more organizations should be supported to save electricity.

– We all pay into Enova, but many people are excluded from getting anything back, Blyverket told Montel.

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2024-09-27 21:07:49

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