Authorities of the departmental direction of Quetzaltenango, announce with the new distance modality that different educational centers offer online services without being duly authorized by the Ministry of Education.
In recent days, advertising has been seen on social networks and radio of educational centers that offer distance education, but the authorities confirm that many of them are not authorized.
«There are signs where this service is provided remotely, of which they have no competence to provide the service in the department, and for that reason the educational community is urged to be sure that when they register their children, that educational center is authorized », Said the legal advisor, Luis Galicia.
There is even a complaint against an educational center that offered its coverage for this 2021 school year.
Authorities do not rule out that the complaints will increase in the coming days, after verifying if the educational centers have the authorization of the Mineduc; They also call on parents to verify if the educational center is legitimate.