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Online Course Marketing

Certified Marketing Courses

All common types of marketing are subject to constant change and new influences. Flexible training courses in the form of online courses are ideal for learning the basics, current marketing trends, tools and new marketing skills, among other things.

The range of marketing disciplines, channel-specific, requirement-related or other formats is enormous. Depending on your personal focus, there is a wide range of attractive marketing online courses for all those interested.

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Marketing online courses: personal selection criteria

Interested parties who want to complete an online course in the field of marketing can expect a large number of subject areas, areas of application and didactic presentation methods. It is therefore helpful to think about a few criteria for your personal choice of course beforehand. Here are a few suggestions.

German or English?

The question of the course language is particularly relevant in relation to the area of ​​marketing. Many technical terms are in English or derived from English. International educational institutions with English-language offers often set other thematic priorities. Interested parties should be able to assess their own English skills well if they decide to take a corresponding online course.

Up-to-dateness of learning material and software

Especially with sub-disciplines such as SEO courses, it is important to know that the courses are up to date. In such areas, you always have to reckon with rapid changes, the effects of which can be significant.

The content and goals of the marketing course should match your own goals

Especially in a professional context, it is important not only to compare the course goals with your own learning goals, but also with the expectations at work. What skills are needed? Can you use them directly? This not only refers to implementation options, but also to the strategy that should be pursued at one’s own workplace.

Special marketing discipline or basic marketing knowledge?

This aspect is closely related to the previously mentioned criterion. Is there already broad basic knowledge or a specific strategy that I want to enrich with specialized courses? You need a technical overview in order to be able to decide in which direction you want to go.

On the other hand, you can, for example, get to know new areas in channel-specific online courses (e.g. Facebook marketing) and only then decide whether personal or business goals can be achieved with them.

Technical and practical skills of the lecturers

Today, marketing almost always consists of a complex and interlocking marketing mix. Depending on your own selection criteria, you can make sure that the teacher is someone who can also place special marketing offers in a strategic and practical context.

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