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ONGOING! Live Streaming of Giant Asteroid Approaching Earth, NASA: Potentially Dangerous Object

ZONABANTEN.com – Live streaming asteroid giant approaching earth ongoing today, Tuesday, February 22, 2022, starting at 07.00 WIB.-

This live stream shows a asteroid giant through a telescope project, where the space rock appears to be approaching Earth.-

NASA himself mentions asteroid named 1999 VF22 as Potentially Hazardous Objects (Object Potentially Hazardous), because of its large size.-

The exact size of the space rock, which was first discovered in November 1999, is unknown. Because the surface is dark and not reflective.

However, astronomers estimate its size to be between 623 and 1,410 feet. The longest diameter is about 430 meters.

The most accurate observations in 2019 put the diameter at about 738 feet, or about 225 meters, or almost twice the height of the Monas Monument in Jakarta.

“Even at its smallest possible size, asteroid it would leave a dent the size of a city on earth if it entered the atmosphere,” wrote the Daily Star.-

“That is the reason (asteroid) it’s on the list of Potentially Dangerous Objects NASA,” continued the report released on Wednesday, February 16, 2022.-

If the space rock catches the Earth’s gravity, then the consequences will fall on the planet and cause a major catastrophe.

Therefore, the astronomers are watching the movement asteroid as it slid toward the earth in recent times.-

Moreover, the report mentions asteroid the size of the city-destroyer will be hurtling within its closest approach to earth in the last century.-

Fortunately, astronomers have predicted that the object will miss the earth, because it will most likely just pass.

Astronomers estimate asteroid it would pass through the earth safely at a distance of 3,334,000 miles, and would certainly not destroy a city.-

That distance is called close in astronomy. However, that’s about 14 times the distance between the earth and the moon, so it’s nothing to worry about.

This moment itself is very rare. Next chance a asteroid is in the closest distance to the new earth will occur on February 23, 2150.-

You can watch the moment asteroid approached the very rare earth through live streaming by online.-

Streaming link to watch asteroid the giant when approaching the earth can be clicked HERE.***-

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