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ongoing confrontation by Melani was avoided

The Government Secretariat of Mexico City reported that a confrontation with protesters and police was avoided during the march this Monday.

This was due to the fact that a group of about 110 hooded people carried out a march from the Angel of Independence to the capital’s Zócalo, who, by painting, breaking glass and looting some businesses, were seeking a confrontation with elements of the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC), “but they did not achieve their mission”.

In a press release, he indicated that the Ministry of Citizen Security deployed elements, who accompanied the protesters from roads near the first square of the capital, through which the contingent moved, thus avoiding further acts of vandalism.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Citizen Security maintained a presence, without any confrontation with the protesters, therefore, there were no injuries.

After arriving at the Zocalo, the protesters went to the capital’s Attorney General’s Office (FGJ), where they also carried out acts of vandalism.

For its part, the Secretariat of Government of Mexico City assured that it established permanent coordination with the Capital Human Rights Commission and the Marabunta Humanitarian Peace Brigade, who accompanied the mobilization.

At the end, staff from the General Directorate of Urban Services carried out cleaning tasks along the way.

SECGOB and SSC indicated that they continue to work on creating action protocols during the mobilizations, to guarantee public expression and the safety of the attendees, as well as the media.

afcl / rcr

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