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OnePlus will have the tablet almost ready, but it won’t compete with the iPad

Android-associated brands are revitalizing the tablet market with new offerings and OnePlus doesn’t seem to want to lag behind. The brand is already preparing its proposal and this should appear very soon.

There are important news about this new tablet, which show that it will be almost ready, but with one detail. This will no longer be a proposal that wants to steal the place of the iPad and especially its flagship model, the Pro.

The OnePlus tablet is almost ready

While nothing new in the world of rumors, the idea that OnePlus is developing a tablet has been around for years. In recent months it has gained strength and it almost seems to become a reality that everyone will be able to access.

A new information associated with OnePlus Pad, possible name of this tablet, has appeared recently and provides more details. This new device will already be in testing in India, where the brand has a very strong presence in the smartphone market.

OnePlus tablet iPad device market

Device being tested in the Indian market

Identified with the name Aries, the OnePlus tablet will already be in an almost definitive test phase and ready to hit the market. It is speculated that this proposal could be presented near the summer, when the OnePlus 11R will be revealed.

Another important fact is that this tablet should not be a direct competitor to Apple's iPad Pro. This proposal will be entry-level or medium, one of the areas where Android feels most comfortable when it comes to tablets. The fact that it is being tested in the Indian market also shows its position in the range.

OnePlus tablet iPad device market

This will not be an iPad Pro competitor

It will be interesting to see what OnePlus prepares for its tablet, since its sister company OPPO already has a proposal. These are similar products, but with important changes, both in terms of design and hardware actually present.

OnePlus now seems to be accelerating its quest for a prominent position in the market. Its proposals are attracting more and more interest from consumers and are proving to be even more interesting to support an increasingly rich Android market.

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