According to the research screen, intestinal cancers are connected to the lack of fiber in the diet. There is too little fiber in the Finns’ diet.

Fruits are rich in fiber. Shutterstock
The number of bowel cancers is increasing worldwide, especially among young people. The reason for this is poor food choices.
More and more often in Finland, people who get colon cancer are under the age of 50, Iltalehti reported earlier. Research Manager of the Finnish Cancer Registry Karri Seppä told Iltalehti that the worrying development is explained by the current obesity trend.
– The surest evidence for intestinal cancer is the lack of fiber in the diet, Seppä said.
For example, ultra-processed foods usually have a lot of hard fat, but lack dietary fiber.
According to THL, on average, there is too little fiber in the diet of Finns. On average, Finns get 21 grams of fiber per day. The recommended intake of fiber is at least 25-35 grams per day. Women should aim for at least 25 and men at least 35 grams of fiber per day.
Fibers improve the functioning of the stomach and increase the feeling of satiety. Getty Images
Fix it like this
It is easy to get the missing amount of fiber in your diet with small changes. The easiest way to achieve the fiber recommendation is to use high-fiber bread and other whole grain products.
Foods rich in fiber include:
- Whole grain breads, whole grain porridges, and whole grain bran
- Whole grain rice and whole grain pasta
- Whole grain muesli
- Berries
- Fruit
- Vegetables and roots
- Beans, peas and lentils
- Nuts and seeds
Source: Heart Association
In everyday life, it is easy to start correcting your own diet with the quality of the bread. You should choose bread with at least 6 grams of fiber per 100 grams.
For comparison, for example, French bread has only 1 gram of fiber per 100 grams. You can use a heart symbol on the bread shelf to help you choose products with a higher fiber content easily.
It is good to gradually add fiber to your diet so that your stomach has time to get used to it. As fiber intake increases, drinking enough liquid is also important.
Many benefits
Adequate fiber intake has many other health effects. Fiber promotes the functioning of the stomach and facilitates weight control. Sufficient fiber intake also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by lowering blood cholesterol. Fibers are known to affect, among other things, the so-called beneficial bacterial strain in the intestines, which may even be important for mental health.
Sources: Käypähoito.fiSydänliitto and Iltalehti archive.
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