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One slap after another. Sparta is under a blanket, confirms Horňák

Everything crumbles under Sparta’s arms. If she could count on anything lately, at least at home games. She has not lost 25 times in a row in Letná since last January (of which 22 victories) and in the season she gained 45 out of a total of 70 points.

But two days after Pavel Vrba’s dismissal, she lost her last security.

“The result is disappointing. We went to the match with a changed line-up, saying that we want to win. We started a little nervously. For the first few minutes, the young players tapped a little. We changed the penalty, even the beginning of the second half went. The turning point was the opponent’s equalizer. Since then, I am definitely not satisfied with our game, “says Michal Horňák.

Spartu will lead Sparta by the end of the season after Monday’s recall, he has been training her for a short time three years ago.

He didn’t find the team in a good mood. “Of course, the boys didn’t look very well after the bad results recently. A blanket fell on them. It was obvious that they were not well and that it left traces on them. “

The team is still waiting for Sunday’s derby in Slavia and in the middle of the final of the home cup on the Slovácko field. It was not played in the original term last Wednesday due to the ineligible terrain.

“The first days with the team, we mainly wanted to tune the players and get energy into them. To get them into mental well-being before the last matches, “says Horňák.

Sparta will fight for the cup under the leadership of Michal Horňák. Is it a good choice? We solve in the program Přímák …Video: Sport.cz

After Sunday’s defeat in Pilsen, it was certain that Sparta would finish third in the league. It was no surprise that she then rolled the lineup on the home lawn. Adam Hložek also started on the bench.

“He didn’t play for tactical reasons,” the coach notes.

Slovakia is now also deploying forces, which will occupy the fourth place. The deferred final is now a priority for both opponents.

“Tactics played a role in the duel. Furthermore, the fatigue of players, in some cases physical, in others mental. And also a difficult program. I don’t know if you can talk about revealing the cards. The teams have played together so many times that they know each other perfectly, “he points out after the third confrontation of the season.

Even if Horňák wants to change something fundamental, he doesn’t have much space.

“Given that Wednesday – Sunday – Wednesday is played, there is not much time. We will go to every match with a plan and we will have tactics. But there is not much time. We will see how it develops,” he shrugs. “Boys need to rest mentally and physically to get out of fatigue. We have two tough matches ahead of us. We are not in a position to release the derby or the cup we are clinging to, “he adds.

He was promoted to a bullfight. He finished the season with the first team three years ago.

“The advantage is that I knew what I was getting into. I was in a different situation then. I was with the team under coach Ščasný for half a year. I knew all the players in detail. I knew how they behaved in certain situations, what their mental state was. I have now watched this in quotation marks from a distance, “compares the vice – champion of Europe from 1996.

“I’ve seen ace matches, but when you’re not in training and with players in the cabin, you’re in a minor handicap. On the other hand, thanks to that, I have an outside view. That may be our advantage, “Horňák hopes.

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