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One School, 103 Brain Tumors: Medical Mystery Causes Uproar in US | Abroad

A New Jersey high school is at the center of a medical mystery that is causing a stir in the United States. A rare brain tumor has been diagnosed in 103 people who went to school there.

The case came to a head when a brain tumor was discovered in August 2021 in the wife of American Al Lupiano (50), Michele. The American had had exactly the same tumor 22 years ago. According to his doctors, the chance was only one in a billion that such a thing could happen.


It’s like three people are struck by lightning on the same day.

Al Lupiano

On the same day his wife was diagnosed (in August last year), doctors also found a brain tumor in his sister Angela DeCillis (44). Three people, three times a rare tumor. “It’s like three people are struck by lightning on the same day,” Lupiano said in an interview with American media. His sister died of the disease in March. He promised to find the cause on her deathbed. “I will not rest until I have found all the answers.”

shocking realization

Lupiano found out that there was a similar case in Woodbridge fourteen years earlier, of two sisters developing brain tumors eight days apart. It was then that Al Lupiano had the shocking realization that all five of them had graduated from Colonia High School – a high school founded in 1967, with 1,300 students.

Lupiano continued to search and found more and more cases. “I thought to myself, what is going on here? And would there be more cases?”



This is definitely not normal

Mayor John McCormac

He eventually shared his findings on Facebook and received messages from sick people who had either attended or worked at that school. For example, Lupiano collected 103 cases in six weeks. The vast majority of them graduated between 1975 and 2000, although there was also someone who graduated in 2014.

“This is an important discovery,” said Sumul Raval, a New Jersey neurologist who specializes in brain tumors. “Normally there is no radiation in a secondary school. Unless there’s something going on in the area that we don’t know about,” Raval said. He called for the whole matter to be investigated immediately.

“There could be a real problem here and our residents deserve to know if there is a danger. We are all concerned and want to get to the bottom of this matter. This is certainly not normal,” said John McCormac, the mayor of Woodbridge.

There used to be a forest on the ground where the school is built. Contaminated soil may have been brought in for construction. “But we don’t have data from 55 years ago,” McCormac said.


Lupiano himself developed a theory. Twenty kilometers from the school was a factory where uranium ore was crushed, dried and packaged for transport for the development of an atomic bomb.

He claims that some of the contaminated soil was removed from that site after the factory closed in 1967 — that’s the same year Colonia High School was built. Lupiano wonders if some of that contaminated soil somehow ended up on the school grounds.

Various radiological examinations will be carried out on the 28-hectare school site from this weekend. Lupiano is convinced: ,,It cannot be a coincidence.”

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