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One rainy day in New York, the last Woody Allen is on Canal +

Take Timothée Chalamet, Elle Fanning, Dakota Fanning, and Jude Law, put them in the rain in New York City, and you’ve got the latest romantic comedy from Woody Allen, which returns to what he does best, in his favorite city. .

There are directors like that, who have careers so full of cult works that when we talk about their new film, we don’t mention the title, but we talk about it as “the last Tarantino”, “or” the last nugget. of the Cohen brothers “,” the new David Fincher “, or therefore” the last Woody Allen “.

And indeed, although all the people who are interested in cinema closely or a little further know who Woody Allen is, very few can immediately quote 5 titles of films that he directed, whereas he still signed 54, including the classics Everything you ever wanted to know about sex without ever daring to ask (1972), Annie Hall (1977), Manhattan (1979), Everyone says I love you (1996), Harry in all his forms (1997), Match Point (2005), Vicki Cristina Barcelona (2008), Midnight in Paris (2011) or Blue Jasmine (2013). This immediately refreshes the memory, and puts the Woody back in the middle of Greenwich Village. Very popular in France since its inception, the release of each of its films is always a small event, and A rainy day in New York, bringing together three of the most prominent young actors of the moment, was certainly no exception …

In this romantic comedy, we find Timothée Chalamet, revealed in Call me by your name and soon to be featured in the remake of Dune on Netflix, but also Dakota Fanning (Twilight, The Runaways) and Selena Gomez (Spring Breakers, The dead don’t die). Two students, Gatsby and Ashleigh, want to spend a romantic weekend in New York, in a style a little more bling-bling than an episode of Friends. The young man, from a very good family, has booked a hotel room overlooking Central Park, but nothing is going to go as planned. Separated, Gatsby and Ashleigh find themselves living on their own side of funny adventures, over comical encounters …

New York, New York

Woody Allen goes back to what he does best, walking his characters through the streets of New York, and making them go from quiproquo to quiproquo, multiplying the comic situations as the rain continually descends on the city’s favorite city. ‘Alicia Keys and Frank Sinatra, at the risk of extinguishing the flame of the Statue of Liberty. But under all these comedy paces, the director also slipped a sweet feeling of melancholy …

A rainy day in New York is now on Canal +, with a first broadcast this Tuesday, January 5 at 9:05 p.m. The encrypted channel is available from the SFR box, and currently offered in a pack with Disney +, the big-eared streaming platform.

Sources : Canal+, Allocine

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