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One Person Shot and Another Stabbed in Grenoble, with One Victim Narrowly Escaping Being Burned to Death

It was a terrible family drama that played out this Saturday evening in Grenoble and fate made it possible to avoid an absolute tragedy. Nevertheless, the family who was attacked at the start of the evening, in an apartment located at number 4 rue Henry-Duffourd, north of Grenoble, experienced a real moment of terror.

One of the victims was almost burned alive

Shortly after 8 p.m., when the doorbell had just rung, a 48-year-old woman who lives in this apartment with her 20-year-old son and her 9-year-old grandson found herself face to face with her ex. – son-in-law (father of the child). The man, in his thirties, was accompanied by his own brother and his parents. Jostled by the door which was violently opened on her, the forty-year-old was immediately taken to task, her ex-son-in-law hitting her in the face with a butt and his father spraying her with a flammable liquid. The man then tried to light a lighter which, luckily, did not work.

It was the intervention of the 9-year-old boy who put an end to this first attack.

Alerted by the noise, the 20-year-old young man who lives there with his mother approached in turn. The 30-year-old then immediately aimed at him and opened fire, hitting him in the neck, before grabbing his 9-year-old son and dragging him outside. Taking the child, the man, his brother and his parents then fled.

Seriously injured, the 20-year-old young man was taken care of by the firefighters and was taken in absolute urgency to the shock treatment department of the CHU Grenoble Alpes. His mother, seriously injured, in particular in one leg, by stabbing, was taken to the CHU.

Very quickly, the Grenoble public prosecutor’s office entrusted the investigation to the investigators of the judicial police who launched the investigations and the tracking of the four adults who left with the child.

The young man’s days are no longer in danger

This Sunday, Éric Vaillant, public prosecutor of Grenoble, confirmed that “several people were wanted” as part of this investigation and specified that “the days of the young man wounded by bullet are no longer in danger”.

According to our information, the mother of the 9-year-old boy had two other (younger) children with this man and was not there at the time. Therefore, questions remain. Did the father expect to find his ex-partner and his three children in this apartment? What were his real intentions?

Questions which may find answers during the investigation which will continue under letters rogatory, the prosecution having opened a judicial investigation with an examining magistrate for “attempted murders and kidnapping of a minor”.

This Sunday evening, the four adults suspected of being the perpetrators of this attack were still wanted.

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