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“One out of ten”. The viewers are victorious. “Discredit”

You can read more about the “One of Ten” program on the portal Gazeta.pl

“One of ten” is a game show that has been broadcast for almost 28 years. Viewers can now watch the 129th season of the program, which has been around for almost three decades has been very popular. In one of the last episodes, we were able to get to know the knowledge of 31-year-old Aleksandra. Although the woman won the episode, viewers were disgusted with some of her responses.

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“One of ten”. The participant discredited herself with the answer. Still, she won the episode

The answers to questions about geography and history caused the greatest stir. The woman was asked, inter alia, about the tributary of the Vistula River, over which one of the battles of the September campaign took place. Both Tadeusz Sznuk and the program viewers were a bit surprised at the words spoken by the participant. The 31-year-old decided that it was the Oder that flows into the longest Polish river. It was an unforgivable embarrassment for Internet users. Of course, it was about Bzura, over which on September 9-22, 1939, the biggest battle of the September company took place.

General knowledge (history, political systems, geography) was not Ms. Aleksandra’s advantage … Although not so spectacular, several times with other questions she clearly showed that such topics were not in the area of ​​her interests. Ignorance of history at the elementary level is embarrassing, but what is the recognition of the Oder as a tributary of the Vistula?

It must have been the weakest episode in years. The winner is a nice lady who recognizes the Oder as a tributary of the Vistula, and in the historical question … – we read on the facebook profile of the game show.

The history of the game show shows that in stressful moments, simple questions pose great problems for educated participants. Do this mishaps upset also contributed?


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