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One of the few still existing wooden churches in Latvia has been reborn

On the Kurzeme side – in Grobiņa region – the Bārta-Krūte Lutheran Church has been reborn. It is one of the few churches in Latvia, which despite the wars still delights both its congregation and the guests of the village with the architecture of the 17th century.

Krūte is a village in Bārta Parish, Grobiņa District. The place, which used to be covered by livestock and farms, as well as cultural and church life, was active – now it is very quiet. The ignorant would not even be able to imagine that a 17th century architectural monument of national significance stands in this place – Krūte – Bārta Lutheran Church.

With more than 400 years of history, Krūte Church is one of the few still existing wooden churches in Latvia.

“I came here 11 years ago, when I was assigned to serve the Breast, I had a hard time finding this place, I did not know where such a Breast is. If we pass by here, there is no more sign indicating that this is the settlement Krūte. I passed by for the first time and then I saw a beautiful church behind the trees – it looked like it had grown in the forest, it was a miraculous view, ”says Pēteris Kalks, the pastor of the Krūte-Bārta Lutheran Church.

The local people of the congregation have also helped to give birth to the church. A new tiled roof has been replaced, the load-bearing structures and foundations of the building have been strengthened. The pastor says that the biggest thanks are to the German Baltic Foundation “Kurländische Ritterschaft”, which takes care of the historical heritage in Latvia. With their financial support, several manors, castles, churches have been reborn in Kurzeme – now also Krūte – Bārta Church.

“Renovating a church is not about renovating an apartment, especially if it is a national monument from the 17th century. There was every detail, every color tone, what colors to paint, it all had to be carefully coordinated. The fact that this church has existed to this day is a miracle, the front has already passed very close and how many wars and different times everything has changed here, but the church stands and testifies to the ancient history that is unique here, ”points out Lime.

The most special is the authentic 17th century altar of the Bust Church, the richly ornamented pulpit and the altarpiece “Jesus on the Cross”. The painting had suffered badly for hundreds of years – now it has been restored – returned to the place of honor and delights everyone who opens the church door.

“The whole parish region can be proud that there is such a treasure here in Grobiņa region, Bārta parish and tourists, art connoisseurs come here, those who enjoy the subtleties of architecture and know their clothes, they are delighted, it is a heritage for the whole of Latvia,” says Kalks.

There are about 40 people in the breast church, only half of them are active in the court. The head of the church, Gunta Jansone, does not hide the joy that this place, which is so important for the locals, has been reborn, but at the same time the outlook for the future is pessimistic.

“The population could be around 700, we still have Barta Primary School with nine classes, but unfortunately the number of students is very small – 37 – and on Sunday we have the school’s 95th anniversary, sorry, but I think it will be the last anniversary of the school. I tell the pastor quite often pessimistically that now we don’t need heating, no matter how much we are here, we can gather in the sacristy and what a winter we have – not so terrible. Well, frankly, I don’t see it so fruitful, ”says Jansone.

The Pastor also says that the outlook for the future is not rosy, not only here but throughout the country. The number of churches is shrinking. There are several reasons – the process of secularization is strongly felt in society, the old generation who had a Christian education is eternal, but today’s older generation is the people of the Soviet era who are unable to convey the understanding of the church to their descendants.

“The world offers so many opportunities today that it seems that the church is there, probably more often people, when they face an accident, a tragedy, then they think of God and the church, then they are open and hear their message. But we are never pessimistic. The fact that we may not see that beautiful picture now does not mean that we work here in vain and it was even crazier in Soviet times, ”says Kalks.

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