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One of Six Animals, Including Pigeons, that Navigate Migration with the Earth’s Magnetic Field

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What animals take advantage of Earth’s magnetic field to migrate? Let’s look at examples of the following animals, yuk! (Freepik)

Bobo.id – Did you know that some animals make large-scale migrations or movements?

Weather conditions and seasons on Earth that are dynamic or change throughout the year are one of the reasons animals migrate.

In addition, animals migrate for various reasons, such as searching for food, avoiding unsuitable seasons, looking for mates and avoiding predation.

In some cases, animal migration can help maintain the balance of ecosystems and enrich biodiversity in various regions.

Interestingly, some animals take advantage of the Earth’s magnetic field to help them migrate and find direction during their journey.

Animals that use the Earth’s magnetic field are referred to as magnetic animals.

Magnetic animals have the ability to detect Earth’s magnetic field through senses that are sensitive to changes in the magnetic field.

Some animals have magnetic iron or mineral particles on their bodies to detect Earth’s magnetic field.

Meanwhile, some other animals use special cells that are sensitive to magnetic fields to facilitate migration.

Using this ability, magnetic animals can navigate during their migration and find common paths back to where they came from.

Magnetic animals can also adapt their migration paths to changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, such as when the magnetic poles shift or the magnetic field intensity changes due to solar activity.

Also Read: 3 Examples of Migrating Animals Using Magnetic Fields

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