Ths.BS Phan Chi Thanh – Chief of the Office of the Training and Directing Center, National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, said that the doctor had just received a 24-year-old young man who came to the examination in a state of extreme anxiety because ” “little boy” has unusual signs such as itching, skin blisters like cauliflower.
The young man said that he had a girlfriend in his hometown, but on a recent business trip away from home in a southern province, he had a “one-night stand” relationship with a girl and did not use a condom.
After that, the new girlfriend had abdominal pain, went to the doctor and discovered that she had gynecological inflammation and genital warts, so she informed this young man.
A young man contracted a sexually transmitted disease after having a “one-night stand” with his new girlfriend. (Illustration)
Receiving the news, the young man was worried about losing his appetite, losing sleep, and took a plane to Hanoi for a check-up. Doctor Thanh said, through examination and necessary tests, the young man was diagnosed with genital warts.
Exploring the history further, it was discovered that the young man also had sex with his girlfriend in the countryside, and every time he “falls in love” he does not wear a “raincoat”, so the source of the infection is unknown. Doctors said that when the source of infection is unknown, the disease can spread exponentially and many other people are also carriers or are sick.
Doctor Thanh said that genital warts are the name of a sexually transmitted disease, caused by the HPV virus, which manifests as small warts resembling warts, cauliflower in the vulva and vagina. cervix, mouth, around the anus. In men, warts often grow on the penis, but also on the scrotum or around the anus.
Doctor Thanh warned that there is a very alarming situation today that the younger you are, the more severe the sexually transmitted disease. Especially the first times of sex are often the most susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases, often because your sexual knowledge is still limited, most do not use condoms.
Moreover, these young people are still young, so the sexual organs are not mature, so the risk of aggravating the disease is also higher.
Another issue, Dr. Thanh also recommends, people need to be faithful to their partner or spouse to avoid getting sexually transmitted diseases such as genital warts. Because sometimes using condoms can still transmit infections because condoms only protect 1% of the body, while the form of sex is very diverse and popular, in many different locations.
In addition, according to doctors, young people should equip themselves with sufficient knowledge about genital warts in particular as well as other sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B virus, syphilis.. .
Should have a habit of gynecological and male examination when detecting abnormal lesions in the skin, genitals… to promptly detect diseases for early treatment and effective prevention.