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one more tool to put an end to unfilled jobs in Lorraine

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18 months of “investigation”

The finding is indeed striking: hundreds of thousands of unfilled jobs while Pôle emploi manages the files of more than 7% of the working population. By documenting themselves but also by going, in a fairly informal way, to meet business leaders, particularly in the sectors most in tension – crafts, hotels and restaurants, construction, etc.

“For 18 months, I dug into the question to understand why so many companies fail to find the skills they need. This despite the existence of many existing solutions to help them. », Emphasizes Matthias Thiriat.

The com and the cost

Observation: a cost problem first with platforms already installed which offer services at too high costs, especially for the smallest companies. “Where a large platform will ask 300 to 400 € for a job advertisement that will be visible for 30 days, I opted for an annual subscription”, adds the young entrepreneur. A way of giving time to time, which is often necessary. In addition, “surveys show that people looking to change jobs are often (82%, Editor’s note) interested in information on companies that offer these jobs. But what do we see on existing sites? Job lists to be filled with some information about the position but often nothing, or almost nothing about the company, ”continues Matthias Thiriat.

A gap that www.emploisnonpourvus.com fills since on the site, job seekers access a list of companies that offer positions that potentially correspond to their profile: “This different entry allows the applicant to obtain information and companies to put forward, beyond the position they offer, the values ​​of the company, the advantages, the organization of work, etc. », Explains the young man.

Three weeks after it went online, www.emploisnonpourvus.com already has forty registered companies and 90 offers in its catalog. And the portfolio grows daily.

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