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One million funds for the BSK • Education.Table

In June the federal government decided it Federal Student Conference (BSK) to promote. For the first time, the student body can count on financial support from the state – one million euros per year. For the second half of 2022, this means € 500,000 that BSK can use for its work. Oliver Sachsze, 21, has been BSK general secretary since July, previously he was technical coordinator for finance. In its function, the BSK represents the interests of over eight million schoolchildren; Sachsze calls them affectionately “KMK of students“. What does the council do with the money?

One thing is particularly important for him and for the other members of the Federal Secretariat. “We want to outsource the bureaucracy“he says. Currently they make up 80 percent of their work – the current student council, on the other hand, only 20 percent. Therefore, BSK plans set up an office, as a central point of contact for all inquiries. In addition to an office in the Palais am Festungsgraben in Berlin, this includes hiring expert support for the Coordination of applications for funding or in the area of ​​information technology and data protection. “After all, you don’t learn it in school,” Sachsze says. They are also currently looking for an office manager and someone for event planning and public relations.

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