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One million euros subsidy for incontinence research MUMC+

One million euros has been made available for Maastricht UMC+ and Erasmus MC for research into urinary incontinence. Within the project – made possible by NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences, the Collaborative Health Funds, ZonMw and Top Sector Life Sciences & Health – more effective research methods are being sought to improve bladder control from the brain.

About 1 in 6 people suffer from an overactive bladder, with regular urinary incontinence. The origin of this problem often lies in the control of the bladder and sphincter from the brain. This control occurs largely unconsciously and is therefore difficult to influence. Research is now being carried out in Maastricht with a particularly strong MRI scanner that can conduct research at a microscopic level into the brain that controls the nervous system of the bladder. Previous research into this control has often been done through animal testing, but the results are difficult to translate to the human situation. The super MRI that can be used safely in humans is going to change this. Research leader prof.dr. Gommert van Koeveringe of the MUMC+ is enthusiastic: “With this research we hope to be able to answer many questions about the still not well-explored area of ​​controlling the functioning of the bladder from the brain”.

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