A shooting that took place last night in the Aubiers district left three people injured and a 16-year-old young man was killed.

It is a new escalation of violence which was crossed this Saturday evening in a district of Bordeaux after a shooting which made several victims, including mainly young people.

According to France Info, a 16-year-old young man was shot dead. Three other teenagers aged 13, 15 and 16 were injured and then hospitalized. For his part, France Blue specifies that a vehicle entered the cours des Aubiers at around 10:50 pm. One or more individuals got out before opening fire on the young people who were in the neighborhood.

A scene also filmed by residents of the neighborhood in which we can see a black vehicle driving at high speed, while its occupant (s) open fire. Images that were posted on the Snapchat social network. ” He’s serious the fucking guy! »Cried one of the residents who witnessed the scene. ” I’m sorry to shout but I’ve never seen this! »Add the latter.

For the moment, it is not known whether this is a settling of scores in youth gangs. An investigation was opened and then entrusted to the judicial police of Bordeaux. During the investigations, the investigators found about forty large caliber cartridge cases on the ground.

For Pierre Hurmic, Mayor of Bordeaux who held a press conference this Sunday, “a milestone has been crossed”. The elected official who “decided to meet this morning at the district town hall, a crisis unit with deputies and district municipal councilors (…) »

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An escalation of “a fairly organized banditry” according to Pierre Hurmic, Mayor of Bordeaux (Video South West – Youtube)

This new night of violence comes 48 hours after the first night of New Year’s Eve, during which several vehicles as well as a post office had been deliberately set on fire, specify our colleagues.

By Jeremy Renard