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One by One Reporting to the KY Prosecuts the Judges at the Central Jakarta District Court Postponing the Election


One by one the reports go to the Judicial Commission (KY) following the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court (Jakpus) which ordered the stages Election 2024 postponed. KY responded to the report and will summon the clerk up to the Chairperson of the Central Jakarta District Court.

First report against hakim The Central Jakarta District Court which decided to postpone the election was made by the Indonesian Youth Congress (KPI).

“Today we officially report the Panel of Judges deciding, hearing and examining case number 757/Pdt.G/2022/PN Jkt.Pst,” said KPI President Pitra Romadoni Nasution at the KY office, Central Jakarta, Monday (6/3 /2023).

Pitra considered that the decision was beyond the authority of the Central Jakarta District Court. Because, according to him, those who have the right to adjudicate election-related cases are the State Administrative Court and the RI Bawaslu.

“We assess that in the ruling that we have obtained from SIPP, the Central Jakarta Court has exceeded its authority to try the Central Jakarta District Court, where absolute competence is more authorized by the Jakarta State Administrative Court and the Indonesian Bawaslu, and regarding the results of the general election, even if there is a dispute over the election results. that goes to the Constitutional Court, not the Central Jakarta District Court,” he said.

“I think the Indonesian people understand the rule of law and procedures relating to political party issues, where there is a connection between the Central Jakarta District Court adjudicating political party issues, that is the authority of the state administration, namely the authority of the State Administrative Court,” he continued.

The report is contained in the receipt number 0405/III/2023/P. Pitra asked KY to investigate the judge who decided the case.

Report from the Civil Coalition

Furthermore, the Civil Society Coalition Guarding Clean Elections reported the Central Jakarta District Court judges to the KY. The Central Jakarta District Court judge was deemed to have violated the code of ethics.

“We submitted a report to the KY regarding alleged violations of the code of ethics and behavior of judges, the panel of judges at the Central Jakarta District Court, which decided to postpone the election through a civil law violation dispute, which in our opinion violated the code of ethics and judges’ code of conduct regulations that had been made by the KY and the Supreme Court. ,” said a member of the Civil Society Coalition to Guard Clean Elections, Saleh Alghiffari, at the KY office, Central Jakarta, Monday (6/3).

He said the Central Jakarta District Court judges had ignored the constitution. “Should be a judge, the panel of judges referred to basing the implementation of their duties on extensive knowledge, where we judge that in this case the panel of judges ignored the constitution, ignored article 22e paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution which requires that elections be held once every five years on a regular basis. luber jurdil,” he said.

“The petitum in this case that should have been examined by this panel of judges in an interlocutory decision regarding absolute competence, it should not have been continued,” he continued.

He said the behavior of the judge who decided the case had deviated from the rules. Because, according to him, disputes over the election process can only be resolved by PTUN and Bawaslu.

“In our opinion, because this is very, very far off the mark, now we have to suspect whether there is an alleged violation of the code of ethics and behavior here and also earlier in terms of the mechanism that can be taken, if there is a violation of the law, there is a loss of the rights of people related to election administration should be resolved at the State Administrative Court or Bawaslu,” he said.

The Civil Society Coalition for Clean Election Guards consists of a number of civil society groups and law firms, namely Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Perludem, Network for Democracy and Electoral Integrity (Netgrit), Center for Law and Policy Studies (PSHK), Constitutional and Administrative Law Society (CALS), Communication Forum and Non-Governmental Organizations, Center for Constitutional Studies, Andalas University, Themis Indonesia Firm, AMAR Law Firm, and the Legislative Monitoring Committee.

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