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Ondřej Gregor Brzobohatý: I was inspired by quotes from John Lennon

The environment in which the video was created was simple and natural. Lennon’s painted wall added an atmosphere, in front of which stood a piano on which the singer Brzobohatý played. The crew began filming at nine o’clock in the morning. At noon he took a break, during which Brzobohatý talked about what led him to the memorial service.

“The song was not originally created for this year’s anniversary of Lennon’s death,” he told Práva. “I wrote it two years ago.”

The musician likes to look for quotes from celebrities. The day the song began, he reached several of the Lennons in the morning.

“I also read his biography and I really liked it. Lennon had that traditional British humor in him. So while I was still remembering the quotes in that book, it occurred to me to write a song that would be composed of them. It was formed, then it existed quietly, and I recently remembered it again. I thought it would be nice if I introduced her at this time, “Brzobohatý explained.

Lennon’s quotes make up about eighty percent of the song’s lyrics. They are connected by words written by Brzobohatý. “The chorus is about barking at life and being afraid that the so-called curtain will fall when I have John Lennon’s thoughts in me,” he revealed the point of the song.

Ondřej Gregor Brzobohatý

Photo: Petr Horník, Právo

Brzobohatého’s former Beatles member’s favorite quote is: The time you wasted was not wasted. He is said to be very comfortable with his philosophy of life. He also likes to remember another quote: When you look at the sun, all the shadows will be behind you.

Close relationship to all of the Beatles

Ondřej Gregor Brzobohatý is not only related to the singer and guitarist Lennon. He likes all the members of the famous Liverpool band.

“I have a huge relationship with all Beetles. I fell in love with them the first time I watched the music movie Help! Then I started listening to them and I really liked their songs, “he revealed.

His favorite member of the Beatles is Ringo Starr. He claims to have the funniest of them all.

“Gradually, I got more information about them, their songs and other things. For me, the Beatles were a similar bunch, such as the British comedy group Monty Python. I enjoyed their humor, their approach to career and pop. I also liked their lyrics, I actually learned English on them. My relationship with the Beatles was really huge, after all, about five of their pictures still hang in my recording studio, “said Brzobohatý.

Musical joy

The very song John Lennon’s Thoughts was written two years ago, but it was captured in the studio a few days ago. It was not until Monday that Brzobohatý and the sound engineer Dalibor Cidlinský completed it.

“We said to ourselves that we would have musical pleasure and record a song so that we would like the process and the result as well. We also wanted to include a reference to the sound that is associated with John Lennon, “added Brzobohatý.

Finally, he noted that he wanted the song to become part of his concert repertoire. One of the reasons is that he sings well, so to speak, because it is written for the voice position that is closest to him. In addition, he does not have so many calm pop songs in his repertoire, most of them move away from the mainstream with their flirtations with other genres.

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