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Once again, education labor unions demand rescheduling of specialty tests to June.

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The Bouches-du-Rhône inter-union which met on Saturday decided to challenge the Minister of National Education via a press release to again request the postponement of the specialty tests to June.



Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 the BAC specialty tests are scheduled. All players in the education system (unions, disciplinary associations, etc.) have been demanding their postponement to June for months because:

• The specialty programs had to be rushed to finish on time;

• Students are not ready;

• The dematerialized correction gave rise, last year, to tweaking of notes


• After the tests absenteeism will be strong, and the 3rd trimester sacrificed.

• The communication of specialty marks to students in April can generate tension and demobilization.

In addition, for the past 2 months millions of demonstrators have regularly marched in the streets to express their rejection of the pension reform, with the support of two thirds of the population. Today the President of the Republic has chosen to use Article 49.3 to impose the adoption without a vote of this rejected reform. He thus shows a contempt for democracy, which National Education staff have known well since 2017. This decision aroused immense anger among the population and rallies as massive as they were spontaneous were organized on Thursday evening March 16. . The mobilization will continue next week, including during the specialty tests. It is impossible today to be able

guarantee that students will be able to access examination centers and write in good conditions.

It is your responsibility, Minister, to ensure that students and their

family that the events can take place in the best conditions, which will not be the case on March 20 and 21. We also allow ourselves to remind you that March 23 is the date chosen by the inter-union interpro to call for a big day of strikes and demonstrations throughout the country. In our academy, this is the day when the English specialty oral tests (LLCE and AMC) must take place. It is unimaginable that they are maintained. The climate of tension around some high schools of our academy cannot guarantee the serenity essential to the smooth running of the exam.

This is why the SNES-FSU Aix-Marseille, CGT éduc’action 13, Sud éducation 13, SNFOLC 13 and CNT unions are asking for the specialty tests to be postponed to June. We ask for the reinstatement of national and final tests. We inform you that the SNES-FSU CGT éduc’action, Sud éducation and CNT unions have filed strike notices, including during the period of exams and corrections.

We recall here that certain non-education sectors and trade union organizations are calling for the strike to be renewed on Monday and Tuesday. The right to strike also applies to staff summoned for an exam.

In the context of struggles for the withdrawal of the pension reform brutally imposed against society, faced with the absence of revaluation for all and degraded working conditions, against the inconsistent calendar of the baccalaureate, the SNES-FSU Aix-Marseille unions , CGT éduc’action 13, Sud éducation 13 , SNFOLC 13 and CNT call for a strike, wherever possible, before, during and after the written specialty tests, the oral, practical and experimental skills tests.

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