Home » today » Entertainment » ON VIDEO | Woke up by autonomous vehicles honking at each other at 4am

ON VIDEO | Woke up by autonomous vehicles honking at each other at 4am

The sleep of many residents of San Francisco, California, has been disrupted in recent weeks by the sound of autonomous car horns activating randomly in the early hours of the morning.

Cars from the American manufacturer Waymo parked near several housing units are said to be the source of the noise heard by the many people who live nearby, CNN reports.

“In the last two weeks, I’ve been woken up more times in the night than I have in the last 20 years,” said resident Russell Pofsky.

Horns would sound at random times during the night.

Another resident said he was often woken up around 4am.

Footage obtained by CNN shows numerous vehicles driving through the parking lot at night and honking at each other.

In a statement sent to ABC7 News, Waymo said it is aware of the situation and has found the problem.

A solution is being implemented.

Waymo vehicles are self-driving cars that are used like a taxi to get from point A to point B without the need for a driver.

See images in the video above

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