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On Twitter, it is now forbidden to post links to Mastodon, Instagram and Facebook

OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP Twitter has decided to crack down on people who post links to Facebook, Instagram or Mastodon.


Twitter has decided to crack down on people who post links to Facebook, Instagram or Mastodon.

TWITTER – It is an abrupt decision taken by Elon Musk’s teams to say the least. Twitter users are now barred from promoting their presence on many other social networks, the company announced one last update of its rules of use released on Sunday 18th December.

Concretely Twitter now promises the deletion of any tweet containing a link to another publication made on Facebook and Instagram, but also other lesser known platforms such as Mastodon (current competitor of Twitter), Truth Social (created by Donald Trump, which they still use ) , or Tribel, Nostr and Post.

Elon Musk’s social networking teams also promise to potentially delete accounts “primarily created to promote content on other social networks”. Finally, Twitter accounts no longer have the right to have links to platforms mentioned in their bios.

“Closed in a bubble? »

It should be noted that the social network TikTok is for the moment spared from these bans. But the latter immediately attracted a lot of critical comments from Twitter users, who regret that the social network is shutting down like this – while until now everyone could distribute practically all types of legal links there without worrying.

These decisions come after the setbacks experienced by several American journalists on Twitter in recent days, who have seen their accounts temporarily suspended for having disseminated information relating to the real-time tracking of Elon Musk’s jet. In the process, other journalists and Twitter users had indicated that they could be followed on other platforms, especially Mastodon, should their accounts be unexpectedly terminated. It is likely this migration and promotion of competitors on Twitter that Elon Musk’s teams are now trying to stem.

One of the latest American journalists to have her account suspended, Taylor Lorenz, joked by posting a link promoting… her Youtube account (links to which remain authorized on Twitter for now).

See also on The HuffPost:


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